Chapter 5

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Fray and James got on their shoes and ran out of their shared flat. Wilbur and Tommy were outside. Tommy was now in year 11 and taking French, History, Media and Music for his GCSEs. He had gotten into less fights and hasn't got a single detention since he was in Year 8. He had seriously changed his life since Nick and Belle got expelled for smoking at the end of year 9. Tencho would not come because it recently moved to the USA with Dream and Sapnap a couple of years ago.

Wilbur was outside with Tommy while they were both shivering. Tommy was tall now,almost as tall as Wilbur.

They all ran over and gave each other hugs. Then,they went to the fireworks display which was happening tonight.

They arrived around half an hour before the fireworks were to start where they met up with Willow,Stew and Lewis. Alex and George arrived a couple of minutes later.

Fray got on her ear protectors immediately just in case any fireworks would go off too early and frighten them. There were some food stands which they ate from and some mulled wine too. Tommy had mulled apple juice as he was only 15. Alex had a polaroid camera so he took several photos of everyone. Especially Willow and Mia. Also a lot of Tommy and Wilbur.

All of a sudden, someone shouted that the fireworks were to start any minute from now. Everyone started to scream loudly as the fireworks started. It was originally just a few firecrackers then it turned into some bangers and shapes being made out of fireworks. Colours cover the night sky like paints on a piece of paper. Everyone was so happy to see the colours and see the sky.

Then,someone arrived and stood next to Fray. They went to shove her to the floor. Fray looked up to see some random man and panicked.

"Fray. You okay."James asked.

"Urm. Yes.",they replied.

"Are you sure?"James asked back. Fray nodded their head unsurely.

After about 2 hours, everyone was finally home and in bed. Except for Fray,who was taking a shower.

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