Chapter 13

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cw; illness,covid

It was 30 days into 2020 and there was already news about a new virus spreading around China. Apparently,it was almost like the flu. Everyone thought that it would never reach England.

James shouted all of a sudden "Fray. The virus has hit someone in England."

"James... Is that true?",Fray asked back. "Or are you reading the Daily Mail?"

"It's on BBC news so it must be true. Also,it's breaking News,"James replied.

New Start

James Marriott: Have you seen the news?

Inabber: Apparently,someone has the new virus.

ImAllexx: Oh yeah!

StewTries: Scared ngl.

ImAllexx: Hey. dw about this. You're young and healthy so it won't harm you.

Inabber: Exactly what Alex said.

StewTries: :(((

James Marriott: Off to uni now

Inabber: Don't do a repeat of last term

ImAllexx: I am going to sleep now.

Inabber: Then I will be lonely

*Last seen at 12:00pm*

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