Chapter 16

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// PTSD episode and sucidie themes and transphobia

Fray was already stressed considering that it was the first time they had to go to work in six weeks. Boris had only just allow the opening of pet shops.

It didn't help that their dad had the audacity to go into the pet shop during their work hours and abuse them.

"Look. That's my son.Not a girl.",their dad shouted. "Cut you hair and get out of that skirt"

"Dad.Please.",they begged.

"No!",thei dad yelled louder. "I WON'T BLOODY ACCEPT IT!",bashing the table in an angry way.

"Excuse me sir.",a co-worker of Fray yelled. "Get out or we're calling the police."

"Call the police all you fucking want because its not my fault that my son can't deal with his own bloody brain since he's gotten PTSD and the trans virus.",their dad boasted,like it was Fray's fault. "Maybe Kenji is the only person that ever cared about him. You've should've killed yourself like you attempted when you were 18!"

"We've called the police",the co worker informed.

"I don't care! Don't blame me!",their dad carried on. "It's your fault I'm like this Fraser. Your mum should've aborted you!"

By this time,Fray was already having a flashback.


Fray was playing in the back garden of their grandad when their dad went outside drunk out of his mind with a bat.

"I hate you.",their dad shouted.

"What do you mean daddy?",they asked.

"You make me so angry!",he shouted loudly,bashing the bat towards them. "Maybe you should stop being a nerd all of the time. You're eight years old. Grow the hell up!"

By then,their dad was bashing their arm with this baseball bat. It bruised their legs and arms before their dad strangled them. Kenji had ran all the way to the living to drag their grandad out.

"Jonathan. Just stop it now!",their grandad screamed,causing their dad to jog away at a slightly fast pace.

"Fray-Fray. Are you okay?"

*End of flashback*

"Hey Fray. Its me James. You're fine. You're on the floor of the pet shop.",James whispered,trying to ground Fray. "I've got you. We can stay here as long as you want."

"Jimbo",they asked,hoping that this wasn't part of the flashback.

"Fray. You're safe. You're fine. We can go home soon."

"Please. Can we go now?",they asked. James picked them up and started to carry them for the 300 metres to their flat.

When they got home,James asked something that concerned xem when they heard about it.

"What happened when you were 18?"

"I tried to kill my self.",they replied. "Thought no one liked me so I attempted to stab myself. Ended up with me in the hospital for 2 months."

"Please can you stay alive for me Fray?",James begged,causing Fray to cry out loud. He instantly pulled them into a hug :James couldn't deal with losing his childhood best freind.

"Anyways. I think Stew and Alex are blowing up our phones."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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