did they take it

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Three days go by, and surprisingly, Levi is... tolerable.

The first noticeable difference is that the man stops glaring at you every waking hour of the day. It's not like he talks to you any more than he has to, but the lack of glaring makes you significantly more comfortable. You get a good night's sleep for the first time since you joined the survivors. 

He doesn't really talk to you much, but he's not making your life hellish anymore. You'd say that's a start.

You start taking on guard shifts. It's not that bad, but it's boring. You sit by the door, eyes fixed on anything that moves outside the boarded up window. It's rare, but occasionally, zombies go by and you watch them until they're far out of sight and you can't hear them anymore.

You amuse yourself by doodling. You've got several sharpies with you; you spend time drawing loops and lines on the boards that cover the windows. It keeps you awake, and it keeps your attention at the window. A win-win situation.

You even get used to switching shifts- for example, when Levi finds you playing cards with Hange and Nanaba. "Hey," he says. "You're on patrol and I'm on guard. Switch with me."

"Sure," you agree.

He stares at you for a second, like he hadn't expected you to cooperate so easily. You raise your eyebrows. "No, Levi," you say sarcastically. "How dare you make such a demand of me? You're awful, horrible, incorrigible-"

"Enough," Levi says with a roll of his eyes. You smile at him innocently. He breaks eye contact with you to turn to Hange and say, "your poker face is shit, Shitty Glasses," before he leaves.

You look back to Hange and Nanaba. All three of you grin. "Look at that," Hange says excitedly. "Kindness! Who would've thought?"

"That's what constitutes as kindness?" you reply. "Demanding a shift swap?"

"For Levi, yes." They smack their cards down. "Aha! Three of a kind!"

Nanaba groans, tossing their cards in the air. "I ain't got shit."

You grin, putting your cards down in front of Hange's. "Full house."

Hange groans, dropping their forehead into the table. "Dammit!"

"What the heck are you two even playing?" Klaus calls from across the room. "That doesn't exactly look like poker!"

"I don't even think we know at this point," Nanaba admits.

"Whatever we're playing, I'm winning!" Hange gloats. "Go fish!"

"That's a different game, Hange."

"But I thought we just decided we don't know what the heck we're doing."

"Maybe you don't," you say, reaching your arms out across the table to pull the pile of chips towards you, "but I sure do. And I'm winning."

Nanaba's jaw slips. "Sparks, you asshole."

Hange hums in agreement. "Devilish."

You grin. "Another round, then?"

"You're on," Nanaba agrees.

"Bring it!" Hange cheers.

The three of you go on like that for a while, not quite sure of exactly what you're doing or who's supposed to be winning or even how the hell you're keeping score. You just know you're having a good time.


People have started taking shifts with the radio.

The radio works- albeit intermittently- and thus, someone's always next to it. There's a lot of static, but every once in a while, some slightly coherent jargon will come through. Sometimes it's just commercials or a weather report before the static picks up again. Erwin and Eld fiddle with the dials, trying to switch stations, but until something comes through that isn't static, it's hard to figure out which station will actually give any useful information.

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