🤍SIX: Wish In Hope🤍

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I'm heading to history, one of my favourite lessons and I'm alone in this class. Jordan, Alec and Jas are all in photography. Lucky but I love history.

I walk up to Miss Houlin and she gives me a broad smile. "Hey sweetie! How are you?" She asks smiling. "I'm good, how are you?" I smile.

"I'm good sweetie, take a seat" she ushers me into the classroom and I take my seat next to the window and nobody sits beside me so it's fine.

As Miss Houlin is about to start teaching, Link suddenly enters the classroom, his dark toned skin makes his eyes light up. There such a fluorescent lime colour, it's fascinating.

"Mr Louis, welcome back" she states. He smiles and nods. He seems so nice. He was always nice, but something just makes him seem so sweet. "Take a seat next to Nicole, over by the window" she gestures. I freeze up for a second. He scans the window side of the room and spots me, a small smile lingers on his face and he makes his way over to me.

I move my things from his side of the desk as he placed down his backpack and pulls out the chair to sit. "Hey" he whispers. "Hi" I blush.

He doesn't remember me, it's kinda upsetting. He takes a pen out of his bag and takes out his book. "Did you run into any other people in the few hours you haven't seen me?" He teases.

I roll my eyes and put my head on the desk embarrassed. "I'm messing" he chuckles.

"Okay!" Sarah announces getting the classrooms attention. "Role call!" She states.

She goes through the call, "Nicole" she announces.

"Present" I put my hand up, Link looks at me.

"Nicole-Trinity Desirn" He smiles. I'm actually shocked he remembered. "Link Louis" I state.

"Link!" Sarah's announces. "Present" he puts his hand up to make her know he's here.

"You like history?" He asks. I turn and look at him, "Yeah, I do. I'm guessing you do" I chuckle.

"Yeah. It's fascinating" his smile is amazing. I could get lost in those eyes as well.

"Okay. So welcome back you are now Seniors. But we are going to be participating in a project that you are going to do for the next semester of your academic year. This means that we will be doing something completely different for your semester afterwards. So your project is to research different things in history and you have to make a huge project about it. It has to be too standard because this will take most of your grade 11. You can make posters, you can make an event you can make food from that period what ever you do? It's totally up to you. But you have to do at least 2 different projects to complete this. You will be working in partners" Miss Houlin explains.

"Okay, so-" she starts naming partners, I don't really know anyone in here so this isn't going to be good. "Nicole and...Link" she calmly states.

We both tense. But I clear my throat to not make it awkward. Link? Why?

"Any questions?" She asks. Nobody answers so she nods. "Okay, you make go to your partner and proceed with research." She says.

Link and I turn to each other and we give an awkward smile. But he just laughs and looks at me with a smile. "Okay let's do this" He gets out his laptop from his bag for research and I start taking notes on what he researches.

"You got that?" He states. "Nicole?"

I'm zoned out. All I can think about is my parents. I feel a tear slip my eye.

"Nicole" Link shakes me pulling me away. I look at him. "You okay?" He whispers, his eyes look full of genuine concern.

"Yeah it just..." I gulp. "It's just what people say, and stuff.." I pick at my cuticles.

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