Chapter Five *edited*

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I've searched through all the cupboards in this damn house, and there's isn't one tiny stale old marshmallow of Lucky Charms anywhere. Can a girl get some cereal please? All I'm asking for is a bowl of Lucky Charms. I don't even need milk.

Dean is content with bacon and eggs, while Zephira is having plain corn flakes, and Sam is having some sort of macho protein shake thing that probably tastes like day-old laundry. Cas is just kind of sitting there watching people eat.

"Dad, I am disappointed in you," I announce. I'm standing the middle of the kitchen, with my hands on my hips.

He gives me a look. "What do you mean?"

Are you kidding me?

"Where are my Lucky Charms?"

"I thought I bought a new box."

"Oh yeah," Dean mumbles between a mouthful of not-Lucky-Charms-ness. "I hid it."

I walk right up to his chair and stare him dead in the eyes.

"You will tell me where that cereal sent from God himself is or I swear I will pull the reels out of all your cassette tapes, do you here me?"

Everyone stops what they're doing and stares at me. Dean doesn't look as concerned as he looks annoyed.

"Gracie, it's just Lucky Charms," he says, stuffing some more eggs into his mouth.

Cas shoves his hand into his forehead. "You probably shouldn't have said that..."

"Excuse me? Did you just say Lucky Charms are not important? Because all you had to eat was some pathetic excuse for a continental breakfast, and Sam ate some sort of blended up alien egg, while Zephira relied on corn flakes to keep her happy. Dad, have you ever even had Lucky Charms?"

He can't bring himself to look me in the eye. "Um... no."

"Oh my God, you people are ridiculous! Lucky Charms are life, you haven't lived until you've tasted Lucky Charms!" I'm burning up. And my stomach hurts. Really badly. "Even the motels I stayed at had those little mini boxes of Lucky Charms! Do you want me to go out and buy it? Do you think that's going to end well?"

"It's behind the books, drama queen," Dean answers.

"What books?"

He points a thumb behind him, towards the bookshelf.

"Thank you!" I say in a sing-song voice. "Do that again, and your music collection is dead."

Half a box of Lucky Charms, fifty million eye rolls from Zephira and Dean, and twenty minutes later, we're all gathered in the computer room. Even with seventy fans, it's practically a gazillion degrees in here. I'm down to a tank top and jean shorts.

Cas is monitoring his whole CIA computer lab tracking system, while I'm searching desperately online for any Angel signs. So far, I've found nothing out of the ordinary. Some rich guy, who did something with airplanes, was killed a few days ago in his mansion. That's about as mysterious as it gets. It could be a potential hunt, seeing as he was murdered slightly demonically, but we're not looking for hunts right now.

"Serena was in southern California," Cas says. "At least, that's where the green dot last appeared."

The central monitor portrays the green outline of the United States on it. Three dots, Sam, Dean, and I, are all centered right in Nebraska. A fourth dot has been appearing and reappearing en route to Nevada. Serena could be headed straight towards us.

Sam takes a look at the newspaper article up on my screen. I've been working on another, smaller monitor next to the Green Map.

"What's this?" he asks.

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