Chapter Nine *edited*

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It's sad that my fate lies in the hands of some Zac Effron wannabe drug store cashier, isn't it? I mean, he does bear a slight resemblence, although blonder. He has hair like coffee, frosted herbal colored eyes, and an Australian complexion. Unfortunately, he has a serious flirting issue.

I tap my feet against the ground nervously, chewing on my fingers and staring longingly at the exit. Stars burn coldly captured in the black velvet night sky. It smells like cigarette smoke and vomit in here, and I just want to leave. Not to mention there's a motorcycle gang parked right by front of the door.

The cashier, with a fancy nametag that says Demitri, rings me up.

"Ten twenty-eight," he says, smiling flirtatiously at me.

Without even looking, I shove a crumpled twenty into his face. I cross my arms and swallow hard.

He opens the register and starts counting out the change.

"I see your nervous about the outcome," he says.

"Stop flirting with me," I reply immediately.

"Why? You're very pretty."

He slides the change back to me. Ungluing my eyes from the doors, I take it and shove it into the depths of my pockets.

"There's a reason I'm nervous about buying this."

My face hurts. My expression of concerned-grandmother frown hasn't changed since I walked into this place. My foot is tapping on it's own now. My arms are shaking and I'm holding them tightly to my body to try to keep them still.

"Do you want a bag?" he sighs in defeat

I am a nervous twenty-five year old half-Angel who's slept with two people she was never supposed to talk to again, who has all of Heaven and Hell on her ass, accompanied with all the gross and grim hiding in your closets, and I'm currently buying a pregnancy test. Oh, hell no, you do not want to get caught in the middle of this mess.

"Sure," I say distantly.

"I'm Demitri," he tries to charm as he hands me the test.

I grab it out of his hands curtly and smile at him as sarcastically as possible. "You have a nametag. I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this, and clearly I have business to attend to. You're cute and all, but not right now."

His eyebrows raise. "Hey, thanks. You know, I've always wanted kids."

"Me too," I mutter, turning towards the doors. "Until now."

Demitri follows me all the way to the sliding doors. I walk a little faster, trying to lose him. Why the hell would you put cash registers near the back? I want to get out of here.

"Why not?" he jogs behind me.

I don't turn to look at him. "It's complicated."

"Is it the father?"

I stop in my tracks and stare him dead in the eyes. "I don't even know who the father is. Can I leave now, or will you be stalking me back to my house?"

He holds his hands up. "Sorry, lady."

"My name's Gracie," I roll my eyes.

"Sorry, Gracie."

I walk again. I'm relieved when I don't hear the footsteps following me.

"Hey!" he calls as soon as I reach the doors.

I stifle I sigh. The doors open, releasing a blast of icy nighttime air from outside. It smells like dirt and mulch. I turn around to face the cashier again.

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