~Author's Note~

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Thank you, always, to the readers, to the people who've helped with editing, to all of those who have had any part in this story whatsoever, which includes all of those pregnancy websites telling me what kicking feels like and how to take care of children because I am way too young to have kids of my own.

One read means so much to me, let alone over one hundred on this book, and over a thousand on Innocence. It's just crazy. I say that a lot, but it's true, I am beyond ecstatic, literally, this is the highlight of my week right here.

Now, all that's left to do is write Penitence, before I have to say goodbye to Gracie and Serena and Tinkerbell and Zach and Zephira forever. I get to keep Sam and Dean and Cas, from the show, but my life will never be the same. I think these people have shaped me as much as I've shaped them. All of their incessant monologuing, which you are familiar with if you've reached this point in the story, has revealed pieces of myself within them. They are my creation, fragments of myself, and it's going to be terrifying to let them go.

I remember when I started this story. I was in the middle of a different fanfiction, but I was losing ideas, and this idea of a girl with Angel-crystalline-blue-psychic-powers had been stuck in my head for multiple weeks. I wrote out the first chapter of Innocence, and three months, seven years, and a Dracula's Massacre later, we're here. From writing experimentation (the first time I have ever written anything close to smut) to exploring my own thoughts and feelings and what they mean, this story is, in a way, my soul portrayed in black and white. It absolutely crazy, insane, beyond our perception of reality, how much this story and it's people and it's perpetual monologues that go off into so many tangents have affected me.

It is unbelievable that it has come this far. Thank you, everyone, especially Gracie and Serena. You two were the beginning of this awkward, stupid journey that has made me into who I am today.

Until Penitence brings you back to this weird alternate universe,

Happy Reading

— Petalsteps

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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