Chapter Twenty-Three *edited*

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I rub my fingers against the smooth metal backing of the necklace.

"We have it," I tell him, confused. "We found it. We just have to --"

"Gracie Belle, your determination is admirable, but pointless," Dad says.

"Who hurt you?" I ask instead.


"She's dead."

"Gracie," Dean warns from across the room.

"They're all dead," I say. "You can't just go around deciding who's moral and who's illegal and who has the right to life or not! It isn't fair!"

"I thought you would've realized that by now," Dad laughs.

"Heal your wound," I tell him.

He just pushes off from the wall and walks to the kitchen. The crimson stain on his white shirt pools darker and larger, making me nauseous.

"Dad, heal your wound," I insist.

He remains silent as he grabs a glass of water from the sink.

My face falls. "They destroyed your connection to Heaven, didn't they?"

"I am a Fallen Angel," he says solemenly. "Once again."

Desperation claws its way out of my stomach. Ice trickles down my spine, my soul is chained to a binding prison of "there isn't any other way".

"Does this mean the spell won't detect you?" I ask quietly.

"Of course it doesn't!" Dean interjects.

"Does it make it easier to extract your grace, even with the binding spell?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Possibily," my father responds. I can tell he's trying for my sake. "There are no promises."

The front door flies open. Amy rushes in, tears streaming down her face with no signs of stopping. Her shoes thud against the wooden floor before she finally collapses in her chair.

Her green eyes are flecked with agony. Silence rings around the room, the pressure drops onto all of our shoulders.

Somehow, impossibly, she locks eyes with Dean.

"I don't know how they know," she says through her tears. "They found out somehow."

The Winchester's eyes show no signs of emotion. Bottling.

Tinkerbell runs her hands through her hair. "They threatened me. They cut me off from Heaven."

"Who did?" Dad asks gently.

"The Elite. I don't know. Someone approached me, told me I was... They told me I was something I'm not going to repeat."

"We should perform the spell now," Dad speaks suddenly.

My jaw drops. "What?" I hiss.

"I am prepared to die for you," he says. He stumbles to his feet, drifting from the kitchen to the table. "In order to protect you."

"This is our battle," Serena says. "It affects all of us now."

No one is brave enough to talk. Amy is choking on her tears, trying hopelessly to breathe. Dean is watching her with those coded green eyes. Sam and Zephira are locked into a soundless argument, his eyes saying no, and her eyes saying yes. My sister looks lost. I know how she feels.

It's her boyfriend who breaks the silence.

"We should perform the spell," he doesn't lift his eyes from the ground.

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