6. Mid-term exams here we go!

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Authors note--
Guys I probably will update later than usual next time. Please don't kill me. this is a slightly longer chapter so for now, enjoy this chapter and my just published Book of Randomness while I get over the three camps I'm having in the next two weeks and one family reunion =.=
Don't worry, you're all luckier than me.


Karma dislocated his shoulder, broke one rib and his left arm and received a large bruise on his back as he saved me, but otherwise, there wasn't any other serious or threatening injuries. And if that guy has enough energy to annoy me until I want to punch him to death, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Today is his first day back in class, apparently he escaped from the hospital yesterday night on his own convenience too. What a troublesome guy. I glared at him as he walked to his seat, remembering what happened a week ago when I visited him.


I knocked, then waited for a reply.

"Come in."

I had pushed open the door, and stepped inside the hospital room. That damned Karma was there, sitting up in the white bed and smirking at me. Despite him being injured and me being the potential cause of his injury, I had barely just confined my irritation towards his arrogant attitude and my will to punch him.

"Can't stay away from me?" He smirked, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Akabane Karma, I'm warning you."

"Oh, so you think you won't be able to resist the temptation if I come closer?"

"I'm warning you to shut up so I don't punch your face in." I gritted my teeth. Why is he so annoying?! The atmosphere just had to be like this when I came to do something necessary. Thank him. Of course I'm grateful that he saved me from falling off a twenty metre tree, but I never wanted his help! It was... it was his fault... it was... it was entirely my fault. I sighed.

"Stop annoying me for a moment." I glared at him, then realised this might not be the best start to thanking someone for potentially saving their life. "I just came to, uh, thank you, for um saving me back there." I had began, not really knowing what to say.


"Hey, you there?" A pair of fingers snapped in front of my face and I pulled out of remembering that disastrous thank you. "What, remembering the great time we had together?" It was a certain very annoying, very haughty and very devilish red head.

"What are you doing Akabane Karma?" I growled.

"Nothing." he shrugged, then looks at the seething anger on my face. "Have you still not gotten over the fact I broke that vase and you had to pay for it?" I still glared at him. "Am I being glared at because you tripped and landed on your face because of my foot?" Now my glare can probably kill someone. "Or is it that I ate the rest of your sausage after you bit it?" My hands are ready to snap his arm again. "Hmm, is your hands clenching and unclenching because I had stole your phone and got your number? Because I called you twenty times yesterday?" Any moment now, any moment and I can strangle him. "Or are you angry because I took that photo of you while you were drooling in sleep?" He finished, smirking victoriously.

Wait... what?! "You what?!" I yelled, then remembered that we were in a classroom and everyone else could hear me clearly with my voice. "You took a picture of me when I was what?!" I yelled again in a lowered voice.

He shrugged again. "you know you fell asleep after the hospital bought dinner and you tried to strangle me right? Well, you started to drool half way through and I took a picture~" says Karma. He flips open his phone and shows me the homepage. It was me sleeping on the table beside the hospital bed, with a thin line of drool coming from my mouth and dripping onto the table.

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