8. Korosensei the ultimate disgrace of all teachers and an unusual night

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"Ahhhh." I plopped down onto a chair lying around after another hectic day of touring. A sniper was assigned to assassinate Korosensei, and of course, he failed. At least he knew when to give up.

"Hey Leiko-san!" Sugino-kun came up to me, holding two cans of drink. "You look beaten up, want some soda?"

"Yes, definitely." I took a can from him and sipped. "Thanks." I had to say, I like this life style better. Not taking account of the hectic assassin, bloody, underworld things that happened after year six, always being with the girls literally meant I had no freedom. Especially when you had flowing long hair and is in the supposedly 'popular group' of girls. All they would do was talk on and on about make up, shopping, how to make your hair look nice and how other people are stupid or ugly. I found that I really started to hate those talks, like how those girls just seem like their so much higher than anyone else. I got sick of it, and I'm just not interested in any of the other kinda things. I got dragged in by a friend, and all I did was occasionally make a comment and stare outside, where the boys are playing soccer and tag, slapping each other on the back and congratulating each other, and doing all sorts of fun things, wishing I could join them. But the main problem is gossip. When a pretty girl, or really just any girl who looks remotely nice, go hang out with the boys, no matter what's the cause or reason, the whole school starts gossiping, especially in years five and six. That's the world, somehow.

Then I found out that if you hide your long and soft hair, talk rough, don't wear skirts or girlish out fits, no one ever says anything even if you hangout with the boys all the time, even if that earned me glares and looks from other oh-so-popular people and my original friends. But I never minded. Although, in class 3E, everyone was nice and equal, that's what's good about this class. And even if I talk with the girls a lot more, I still prefer the company of boys, and that's why I'm spending more time with the guys in class than the girls, even though I tend to stay away from Karma. They're much more straight forward, and more bold and active. Rio-chan is like that, but how many girls can you find that are like her?


Eh? Snapping out of my mind I look towards Sugino-kun. "Sorry, I spaced out. Continue?"

"God, you're a daydreamer aren't you?" he shook his head exasperatingly. "I was just saying, if you wanted to, we're hosting a game of 'assassination tag' in five minutes, care to join?"

"No problems."


"Good game man, that was so fun!" I say, stretching out my arms.

"I knew we shouldn't have invited her..." Maehara-kun says, looking defeated. "Your team won like five times in a row cause of Leiko and Karma!"

"Can't help it..." I grinned.

I parted with the boys after we reached floor where we were supposed to sleep, and went to get a change of clothes after that session of chasing and tackling.


It's already after dinner, and I'm wandering around the inn aimlessly when I walked past the boys room, it's really noisy. "It's Leiko~" I announced loudly, then pulled open the door and stuck my head in. "What's up?"

Okajima-kun perked up as I entered the room, everyone was sitting in more or less a circle, surrounding a piece of paper. "Ohh, Leiko-kun" he started, then corrected his unavoidable mistake. I sighed. "I mean Leiko-san, what girl are you interested-."

"I'm a girl." I interrupted before he could say anything else, and everyone else burst into laughter. "This is a hard role." I sigh, and plopped down onto the floor. "So what'cha guys doing?" the piece of paper look interesting.

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