15. I guess I'm glad...

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I haven't ever seen that shade on Korosensei before, but it's not hard to guess. Pure rage.

Apparently the class had seen this before, as Rio told me a few days after I joined 3E. It was when Nagisa had attempted that suicide attack. However, Korosensei weren't mad at Nagisa, but rather the three puppeteers that had no regard concerning Nagisa's potential exposure to sever danger.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE!!" Korosenseo grounded out. "THOSE TENTACLES!!"

I flinch involuntarily at Korosenseo's rage. It's not hatred. Or maybe it is, but it's also tinged with more of a rage against an unfairness and cruelty that seems to be pouring out, in my view.

"We have no obligation to tell you, Korosensei. However, with this, you should understand." With an air of arrogance and contempt, Shiro replies. "He has different parents and was raised differently, but... you and this boy are brothers."

I can't help... I can't help but wonder the past, Korosenseo's past. I bit my lip. It's not my business to pry. Quickly after, the battle got heated. Shiro even bought out an device that could freeze Korosensei up momentarily.

As Itona continues his onslaught of attacks with the help of his demented guardian, I continue to bite my lip nervously, leaning forward as I get more and more caught up in the fight and my thoughts. In the seconds the fight began to really and truly seem like an one sided slaughter, my heart questions my mind.

Do you really want to kill this teacher?

I... don't have an answer.

Before I realise it, my lip starts to bleed from me biting down on it. The moments fly by as Korosensei gets more and more beaten up, he gets forced to use his hidden escape technique of molting, and is forced to the ceiling.

Korosensei's Weakness #16: The time right after molting

For some reason, even though if Itona and Shiro managed to kill Korosensei, I doubt I would be happy or satisfied. Why? I think, it's because... because we have spent so much time investigating each and everyone of Korosensei's weakness, coming up with assassination plans and just enjoying the killing. I don't want anyone else to kill him. We don't. Class 3-E, together we have done so much, discovering Korosensei's weakness one by one. Yet here Shiro is, spouting them one after another. It doesn't feel right, Itona and Shiro killing him. I want to be the one to kill him. And don't even forget that challenge Karma and I issued each other the day we both decided to jump off cliffs as an assassination.

Other than that, there is an sense of ease when I'm with Korosensei. A sense of familiarity that I don't even know where it came from. Maybe it's because I don't have to worry him getting injured because of me since he's a Mach 20 octopus? I don't know. But I do know what I don't want him to die. Not here. Not now. Not this way.

Just as I once again drag myself out of thought, I look to see another two of Korosensei's tentacles getting cut off after he is frozen by the light Shiro aims at him. I grit my teeth. I'm not keeping my act of indifference through this. I can't.

Jumping forward, I push away one of the desks that form the arena of this fight. "Stop!!" I yell as I try to charge into the ring with an antisensei knife in each of my hands. If they work against Korosensei, they work against Itona. "You are not killing Korosensei! Class 3-E is! Your stupid, arrogant-"

Before I can get in the way of Itona and Korosensei, a hand, no, two hands from seperate directions pulls me back forcibly, as if they expected me to charge.

"Let me go-" I whip my head around, glaring at the two people who has a hand on my shirt and my collar.

"No way. You thoughtless, recklessly stupid idiot." Karma return my glare with a smirk. It appears somewhat shaky, as if forced as a cover up for something else, but I immediately dismisses the thought as Rio's icily fierce glare cuts right back at me, all her playfulness gone.

Let's Go! (Assassination Classroom Fanfic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now