✔ II.

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Second chapter! Hope you enjoy it. :)

Posted early for a reason-

I have an exam next week, and I wish no distraction whatsoever. If u do enjoy, do leave a vote and comment your favorite part of the chapter.


Enjoy the chapter.

Monica Rose.

We walked inside the fast food establishment at 12:AM then walked to the line. I played with my finger due to the feeling of being stared at since I was still wearing my uniform. It was until I felt a warmth engulf me. I looked behind and saw the mysterious person gave me his suit jacket causing me to stare at him.

"A-are you not gonna need it?", I asked shyly as she shook his head.

"You need it more than me.", he rasped causing shivers ran down my spine and a feeling of being suffocated when I wore his jacket which smelled a very intoxicating cologne. After ordering, paying and grabbing our food to a free table. We sat down, him not touching his food.

I shifted uncomfortably as I played with my fingers.

"So, um...", I started awkwardly causing him to just sat there like a robot waiting for an order.

"May I ask what you're name is so I won'r address you as 'the mysterious man'?", I weirdly mumbled the last part causing him to just sit there, his attentioj focused on me.

"Dream.", he lowly growled causing my breath to hitch.

"You are?", he added making me gulp silemtly and looked down at the burger and fries I ordered.

"Monica... But my friends calls me Nica.",  I mumbled. No other sounfs were heard other than the noise of the other person talking since the restaurant is quite empty, that only 10 persons are dining in this late at night.

"Mica.", he growled making me shrink.

"S-sure. You can call me that if you want.", I muttered, taking a piece of fry out of my fries.

"Do I scare you?", he asked, causing me to look away, thinking of a way to dodge the question.

"We should eat. I still need to go back to work or my boss will kill me.", I joked softly, unwrapping the cheese burger.

"Death is such an exageration, ain't it?", he randomly emits before unwrapping his burger, pulling his mask up, his mouth visible as he took a bite on the burger.

"I meant literally.", I muttered as his masked gaze shot towards me.

"Interesting.", he mumbled.

I finished the rest of my burger then took a sip from my iced tea.

"How about a deal.", he suddenly rasped causing me to raise a brow, bringing my attention to him.

"Hmm?", I hummed as he took something off his pocket. He unfolded the paper then handed to me. I immediately looked at it then read the title.

"Dream's PlayHouse."

"What is this?", I questioned.

"Do you want to win one million dollars? Join us and be the last player to complete the game.", he said, wiping his mouth with a tissue paper then fixed it neatly inside the cup or his finished juice.

"What kind of game is this for you to offer alot of money?", I asked causing him to bring his mask down and stared at me.

"A very simple game. Beat these 10 games without getting eliminated. Each game you win, $100,000 dollars will be added on your prize until it stacks to $1,000,000.", he rasped causing me to read the first line.

Game where Players are to play games, and whoever the last person to take the win will receive a full price of $1,000,000 in cash.

It sounded tempting. But then again, I was about to lose my apartment. Do I need this? Will this help me?

I only had a week to fulfill all my debts to my house which costs $10,000. Where the hell can I get that much money?

I looked at him then back at the contract.

"What will happened when we lose?", I asked causing him to stiffen, but then pointed at the paper.

"Last paragraph.", he rasped causing me to look down at the paper once more..

Players will be upholding their promises and will participate. Winners will proceed to the next game, but losers will be eliminated. Players cannot leave or refuse to play when already join or they will automatically be disqualified to the game.

I read the rest under it, but it showed no use to my questions other than the 3 sentences.

"Are you in?", he asked causing me to stare at the paper then back at him. He stared at me with the smiling mask he was wearing. I took the pen out of the jacket of his then uncap it then signed under.

I then heard him stand up abruptly.

"Player 1000. Welcome.", he rasped as he pulled me out ofthe restaurant even when I was resisiting.

"Dream what the hell!", I shrieked as we stopped on a dark alley way.

"Shut up Mica.", he growled causing me to shut my mouth as he dragged me to a black car. He then turned towards me while taking something off his pocket. He took a weird white pill off as he walked towards me, handing it to me.

"Here, take this. This will help you relax to this long journey.", he rasped causing me to hesistantly take it then took a bite on it. It tasted like mint as I chooed it then gulped it down.

I then felt dizzy as I felt my knees collapse.

"More Victims on my collection. Such a pitty this woman is unreadable or I wouldn't have been to intimitated.", he laughed menacingly when I felt myself being carried then slowly begin to doze off.


I woke up, shotting up instantly and saw myself inside a gray room. I looked around to see that it was a bedroom. A coffee table laid on the side, ontop was a flowertop then under it's small compartment layed magazines. On the right is filled with books
labeled from Fiction to Non-fiction. On the left was two doors leading to god knows where.

I then heard the door in front of me to see the same person who took me here, but this time, he is wearing a green hoodie with jeans, but was still wearing the eerie mask.

"Why did you take me here?! Where am I?!", I exclaimed angrily causing him to release a manacing laugh.

"How petty, young woman. Fine, since you kindly ask, I'll tell you. Welcome to the Castle of Nuer. Or what we would like to call, the Death Castle from an unknown Village named Azhikiel. This place is still following the medieval period, and if you are smart, you know what that is.", he rasped, a heated smirk plastered under that mask.

"Kingdoms and execution? Yes, I know what that is. Why am I here?!", I asked angrily.

"Simple, Gatina. You are to play this game like I had bribe you, but this time, there is a twist.", he paused, walking towards me causing me to stand up the bed and jumped to the nearest door, trying to budge it open.

"You played either willingly or die. You win, you live and get $1,000,000 cash. Lose, you die.", he said causing a gasp to release.

"You can't do that! The law is something no one can escape from!", I growled.

"That's the point, Gatina. The contract you signed states of your release to your rights. You now are mine to play with just like everyone else inside this castle.", he lowly rasped causing me to look back to where I signed and his reaction.

"You... Tricked us...?", I gasped.

"So what if I did. Happy playing. My guards will fetch you shortly. The first game will commence at Dawn. Prepare Gatina. You won't die on me. Yet.", he said and slammed the door locked. I dropped down the floor and hugged my legs.

He tricked us.

We're forced to play this game...

Alongside the other 999 players.

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