✔ VI

11 1 14

Monica Rose

Time passed as we went deeper inside his room and into a dimmed room.

"Where are you taking me? We've been walking for hours now.", I impatiently asked.

"Pull your ass together, and keep walking.", he growled causing me to shut up, but the rage inside me won't keep my quiet for long.

We walked inside the dimmed room as he opened yet another one revealing a way outside the castle. Confused, I looked around and rubbed my eyes, hoping this isn't just a hallucination.

"We're outside?", I muttered. He looked at me, his masked face blocking his expression as he nodded.

"We are. How about we recreate your small 'treat' but this time, I would treat you. Try anything, you die. Call for help, you die. Talk to someone, guess what. You die. Be a good girl and follow my orders okay Tesoro?", he rasped causing me to nod suspiciously as he gestured me to the car that was hung open by what it looks to be, a chauffeur.

We got in, causing Dream to bring out some shades. It made me curious since it was night, but he was still gonna wear Sun glasses?

Dream then removed his mask causing him to reveal his plump lips, but my view was quickly covered when he shoved his mask on my face causing me to see a small view of his face blurry.

"Who wears sunglasses at night?", I annoyingly asked.

"The glasses makes my face blurry in your view dumbass!", he growled causing me to shut up. I tried to remove the mask, but it felt like someone added gorilla glue on the mask and stick it to my face because I can't remove it, after trying so many times, I sighed and waited for the ride to end.


Soon, the ride ended causing Dream to hastily snatch the mask from me like it wasn't stuck earlier on my face when I tried to remove it and wore it, breathing heavily like he was out of breath.

"How did you remove the mask? When I tried to remove it, it was stuck!", I amusingly said causing him to look at me, he snapped his hand causing the driver to hop off and open the door.

"I'm just stronger than you, that's all.", he casually said making me glare at him. Something was up with this man. Something inhumane. I will find out eventually. I sighed as we continued to walk as we ended up in a very wealthy restaurant. I looked at our clothes and slightly cringed since we were only wearing jeans and green jackets.

"Aren't we a little bit underdressed to be in this place?", I shyly asked as the woman looked at me like I was a broke person.

I chuckled inwardly before muttering on my mind, 'Oh honey, I am broke.'

"State your name?", the woman boredly asked.

"Dream.", he rasped causing the woman to search the name.

"Ah, King Malik. Very nice to see you!", the woman gasped in awe causing me to cringe.

"Your last name is malik?", I asked.

"It's pronounced as Ma-like, but whatever.", he muttered as the woman lead us in a room where it was just a table, 2 chairs and nothing more.

"Dear God thank you for blessing me one final time before I die next week.", I muttered causing Dream to chuckle.

The woman left without asking for our orders. Maybe Dream pre-ordered already?

We sat there awkwardly as I played with my fingers.

"Why did you take me out for this weird 'Dinner' you say?", I weirdly asked. He stared at me before speaking.

"I told you, when our first encounter with your petty offer on taking me out which ended quite fast, I wanted to recreate it, hoping probably you'd be pissed, but you seem to be calm about this.", he rasped, folding his hand together and leaned on the table, staring directly to me, but it felt like he was staring at my soul.

"I'm nit enjoying this. Whatever this is, it is either weirding me out or making me uncomfortable. What is the real reason I am here?", I asked, this time adding a bit attitude.

He sighed angrily, trying to calm down and sat straight.

"Listen, if you do not shut up, I will do something you'll beg for me to stop. Now zip your fucking mouth or I might as well show you my capabilities.", he darkly threatened causing me to shut up and look out of the window. The dark sky shined with the stars and the moon shined brighter like a dominating star dominating the rest of the light emitting from the stars.

Somehow, I feel it. No matter how shit my parents were, I still feel that under that hate was a deep love.


Soon, our food arrived. It was a fancy grilled steak with a side of wine and dessert of banana split. I kindly took the fork and knife off the side and sighed.

"No matter how much of an asshole you are. Thank you for the food.", I gladly spoke and started cutting the steak and shoving it in my mouth.

We-... Or I ate silently while he sat there watching me. I looked back at him, but it felt like looking like a statue. He didn't dare to move. I stopped eating dropping my fork on the plate and wiped the sauce of the steak off my lips.

"You're not gonna eat?", I asked him causing him to look down his food then back to me. He then shrugged and lift the mask slightly to reveal only his nose and mouth, then started eating. Now it was my turn to stare.

He was really different. Not like a psycho- different but a lonely king different who wears a mask for a reason I do not know.

How come he rules a castle like it was medieval period without them being known by the world?

Was that the reason why he was so lonely in that castle. I don't know. I see it in that smile his somewhat, true emotions.

The smile radiating off of it like a glowing stick then when he's pissed or mad. The smile of the slightly turned demonic like and a slight red glow emits from the eyes.

Was he even human?

Is there other species in real life?

Are there really magics like what they say about the medieval periods?

Are there witches, vampires, wolves and I don't know. Demons?

Was he a demon?

But his face looked human, but his strength was godly. His looks... I don't really know. I can't really say that he's ugly, becayse his body was droolable.

Holy shit.

Was he the one my best friend us referring to? Does that mean she's here too?

How was she attracted to this smiling ass. I then lower my eyes and stared at the green jacket he was wearing and saw his muscles pulse under the sleeves as he moved his hand to pick up some food. My eyes then travelled lower and saw the slight bulge causing my eyes to shot back up to see him looking at me.

"What?", I asked questioningly, acting like I didn't see anything.

"did you just...", he paused, smirking at me causing me to roll my eyes. I hated when people caught me doing something wrong then boost their ego like a bitch they are.

"Who cares? There's nothing to can see anyways.", I spat back, stabbing my fork at the fork, imagining that it was his ego.

I felt the embarrassment crawling on my back as his stare burned holes through me like I was some toy he can glare at and release his frustration after a very hard day.

But the way he stabbed his fork on the poor steak, bending the fork, I know, I will be in for a treat. A deadly one for hurting his ego.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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