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"Do you know why you're here?"

"Obviously you know, so why should I tell you?"

"I can't help it, it was just so shiny."

"I get my license in two days ya know."

"I'm not speaking without my lawyer."

"It's because I'm Irish isn't it?"

"Can you explain what possessed you to do this?"

"How about a knock knock joke?"

"I just said, It was so shiny."

"I don't know."

"Lawyer please."

"I'm hungry."

"What would your mother say?"

"What would your mother say?

"Oooh, shiny!"

"I love you."

"Don't talk to peasants!"

"Let him eat cake ye cunt!"

The detective groaned in frustration as he looked at the haired boy. This is getting nowhere. He thought to himself.

The brown hair boy was looking down fiddling with his thumbs. He lifted his head when he heard his name being called.

"These are the clothes you are to wear, day and night." The boy took five orange jumpsuits from the man. "The guard outside will escort you to your cell. Lucky you, your cell mate has also arrived this afternoon. You're in Cell Block D number twenty five. See you at dinner."

The brown haired boy was led out of the room and taken to change his clothes. The nice plaid shirt, beige Chinos, and white Vans were put into a bin and taken into a separate room.

The white hallway was empty, except for the occasional guards patrolling the campus. But unlike what the brown-eyed boy expected, there weren't any rusted bars where you could see through and see all prison mates. Television and movies lied about what it looks like.

It wasn't dirty, it wasn't smelly. The boy just hoped that the shower rumors weren't true.

"We're here." The guard said. He keyed in a seven digit pin quicker than the boy has ever seen. He only caught a three and a two. The door swung open and they went down another short hallway. At the end of the hall, was an opening, and in the opening, was a large room with many tables. There were about 20 block mates playing cards or talking or sulking.

The boy was led to his holding cell, where his cell mate seemed to be hiding. He appeared to be  sleeping in the lower bunk. The guard showed him where to store his belongings and left.

The boy found himself staring at his dark-haired cell mate. He jumped back when his eyes snapped open. "Take a damn picture." He grumbled, and closed his eyes again. "Name?"

"L-Liam P-Payne." He stuttered out. Mentally face palming himself for it.

"Zayn Malik. Bradford Bad Boy. Now get out of my face." The dark haired boy turned around in his hard lumpy cot and went back to sleep.

The boy with the brown hair didn't leave though. Instead he sat in the corner and waited patiently for the guards to take them to dinner.


So guess who's who at the beginning! First one to get them all right will have the first official chapter dedicated to them.(Hint: They all go in the same order.)

BUUTTT I can't upload that chapter until I get 5 Votes and 5 Comments on this.

Locked Up Tight (Ziam/Larry/Nosh AU)Where stories live. Discover now