Chapter Sixteen

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"I swear I'm gonna end up strangling Zayn or Liam one of these days." Louis groans flopping onto his and Harry's shared bunk. Harry chooses to sit down like a regular person, but nods in agreement. "Did you freaking see them today?"

"We all saw them, Lou." Harry says. 

"Exactly, everyone saw them." Louis throws his hands out, "Everyone but the two people who need to see. Well maybe just Liam, at least Zayn can admit that he likes Liam."

Harry grabs Louis flailing hands and holds them in his as he climbs over to straddle Louis' hips. He leans in to stare into Louis bright blue eyes. "Chill babe. Sometimes these things take time." He presses a quick kiss to Louis' softer lips and pulls back with Louis chasing his lips for more. "You of all people should know that."

"True, but that doesn't mean they don't need a little shove in the right direction." Louis jokes as Harry climbs off of him so they're laying next to each other.

"Looouuiis," Harry groans, "I swear if you try and interfere in any way, no more kisses for you."

"Alright fine." Louis pouts.

Harry shakes his head and holds out his pinky finger, "Nope, you have to pinky promise."

"What are we? Seven year old girls?" Louis laughs.

"I can't help it, the curls make me look younger. Now promise." Louis rolls his eyes and locks his pinky finger with Harry's.

"There. Happy?" He says looking into Harry's eyes.

Harry pulls him in for another kiss before saying, "Very. Now turn around so I can spoon you."

"Pushy much?" Louis jokes turning around anyways. Harry wraps his arm around Louis waist pulling him in for a second or two before sputtering. "What?"

"Your hair got in my mouth. You need a haircut."

"Not happening, babe."


"I swear we're getting so close to getting them together." Niall claps excitedly. Josh smiles down at him fondly. "Just another push or two and finally they can stop doing that stupid dance they're doing."

"What're you gonna do about it, then?" Josh asks.

"I don't know, I usually leave the scheming up to Louis." But after thinking about it for a second, he adds, "But he's probably got his tongue down Harry's throat too much to even think about it."

Josh grimaces at Niall's words, but Niall just shoves his shoulder lightly. "You act like your tongue wasn't down my throat just a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, but I don't want to hear about someone tonguing someone else." Josh says.

Niall rolls his eyes and pulls Josh down for another kiss. This is something he'll never get used to. Whenever he and Josh kiss, his pulse doubles- no triples- and it's the best thing ever. Josh makes him feel like a giddy little schoolgirl.

"But seriously," Josh says when he pulls back, "what are you gonna do? Lock them in a room together. It'd be a miracle if both, or even just one of them came out alive."

"They don't hate each other that much," Niall scoffs, "I think we witnessed that today when they were holding hands. And cuddling. And just being cute all over." Niall squeals a little and covers his face.

Josh pulls one hand away and kisses his forehead. "You ship it hard don't you?"

"Bitch I don't ship it. Shipping is weak. I yacht that." Niall says causing Josh to fall over and laugh. Niall joins in, but not as hard as Josh is. "What's so funny?"

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