Chapter Twelve

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*Louis's POV*

I watch Niall and Josh make heart eyes at each other as they sit all loved up in the bean bags. Or bean bag. Though there were two, they squeezed themselves onto one.

"So when were you planning on telling me about the two of you?" I ask playfully.

"Well-" Josh starts.

"You see-" Niall interrupts.

"Never." Harry coughs. We all turn to glare at him, and he just shrugs and returns to the book he's reading.

"No, I don't think we could hide it from him that long, we are together like every day." Niall points out.

"And the fact that I'm very perceptive."I nod and tap my left temple.

"Sure, Louis, believe what you want." Harry mutters and turns his page. 

I scoff, "What does that mean?"

"Nothing."He says innocently.

"Yeah, like I believe you." I stand up and pick up the stack of books that need to be returned. "I'll be back with some new books."

I weave in and out of the aisles, setting most of the books in the most random places. Some of them, though, went back into the original places. But it wasn't until I was putting the last book away, did I run into Chris.

Well, I didn't run into him. More like he followed me around and finally snuck up on me.

"He's right you know." He says.

I whip around to look at the boy who needs a restraining order. "Who is? And why are you stalking me?"

"One, I'm not stalking you." He ticks off the numbers on his fingers. "Two, you know who." 

I mock him, "One, yeah you are. Two, no I don't."

"I grow tired of this game." He sighs and leans against the shelf behind him. "Harry's right, you aren't as perceptive as you think you are."

I roll my eyes, "What are you saying?"

"I'm not gonna tell you." He says in a sing-song voice.

"Tell meeee!" I groan.

He gasps. "Is Lou-Lou begging? The only time I've ever seen you beg is when I-"

A loud cough comes from behind me. I turn around to a very disgruntled-looking Harry. "How many times do I have to warn you to stay away from Louis?"

Chris snorts. "And if I don't?"

"I'll beat the sh*t out of you." Harry takes a step in our direction and instinctively I reach out to hold him back.

"Harry don't." I whisper.

"No, Louis." He looks at me then at Chris, "You hear that LOU-EEE. Not Lou-Lou." He steps past me and right up to Chris, they are roughly the same height, putting them face to face with each other.

"Harry, please stop." I plead with him.

"No, Louis, this prick needs to be taught a lesson." I try and step between them, but Harry only pushes me back.

"Chris, I swear if you don't leave us alone." I warn, but it falls upon deaf ears. I groan in frustration. 

"I mean it, if you do not back off of Louis, I will beat you so badly a hospital wouldn't help you. At all." Harry says menacingly.

"Really pretty boy?" Chris snarls. "You really think you can take me? Even with two broken arms and a broken leg, you couldn't take me."

I roll my eyes, but Chris is right. And he'd have the advantage with the "Alright, I can give you those right now." Harry says. 

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