Chapter Fifteen

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This is sooooooo late and I know you've been waiting and I'm sorry, but I hope you like it. And it's in third person because that's easier at this point.


"And that's poison ivy, so you might wanna stay clear of that when we get out there. Any questions?" The instructor, Liam is pretty sure his name is Barnes or something, asks. He gets no response. "Alrighty then. Is everyone ready?"

"Did he seriously just say 'Alrighty then'?" Zayn whispers in Liam's ear. And Liam has to fight back a laugh as they're ushered off of the bus and to the mouth of the trail the boys have been brought to.

Today, for some stupid reason, they're going on a hike with some Boy Scout troup leaders. For the last hour or so the main leader, who looks a lot like that cop from the Simpsons in Zayn's opinion, has been giving us stupid tips like what plants not to touch and what plants to touch. And what to do if they do see a snake. 

He talks to them as if they're children.

"Alright, boys. Does everyone have their hiking buddy?" The leader asks. 

"Hiking buddy?" Louis scoffs. "I swear this man must think we're like five years old."

After entering the thick foliage, Liam notices that Zayn is visibly uncomfortable. He finds it slightly amusing to see him out of his element.

"I hate the forest." Zayn mutters, or chants at least three times, under his breath. 

"You look ..." Liam's sentence trails off as he struggles to find the right word to use.

Zayn supplies with, "Unhappy, miserable, angry. Need I go on?"

"Well, I was just gonna say out of your element. But that works too." Liam says as they pass a turnoff to another section of the trail. "But at least you're not like Harry, tripping over your own two feet."

Zayn and Liam laugh lightly because right in front of them is Harry, who's tripped at least six times, and Louis had to catch him each time. "You guys can kiss my arse." Harry says over his shoulder.

The two boys laugh a little harder at that as they're led into a small clearing. Small being sort of an understatement. It's only large enough to barely fit all of the boys standing, and that's with Louis and Harry pressed together as if they were one person.

The troop leader begins telling us about the history of the forest they're standing in and why it's named the way it is. Though, Liam can barely focus because Zayn is standing really close to him. Close enough that their hands are touching. Close enough that he can feel everytime Zayn's hand twitches or when his entire body shifts.

And then Liam's thinking about what Zayn said last night for probably the thousandth time today. He'd bring it up, but then it could get awkward if Zayn "doesn't remember saying that". Then it would get awkward between the two of them and there would be no hiding that seeng as they spend literally every day together.

Liam doesn't even know. Every single word that came out of his mouth was uncharacteristically nice and not Zayn. Thinking about it causes a feeling that could be categorized as hundreds of elephants partying in his stomach or millions of butterflies flying around in his stomach.

 Or both.

 At the same time.

The feeling intensifies when Zayn moves behind him and rests his chin on Liam's shoulder. Liam has the burning desire to really just lean into him because why not? But he doesn't. That would be a little too awkward and intimate for his tastes.

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