She's mine

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She hugged Y/N which may have seemed a little strange on the outside but Y/N felt extremely happy. It was the first time he had felt a warm embrace. He was glad that nothing could come between them. Ellie began walking but just as she was about to enter, someone placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Adam: Hey Ellie, can I see you after the bell rings behind the school?

Ellie's face turned red as she was stunned fir a moment. Y/N looked up at her and felt a tinge of anger.

Ellie: O-oh sure! See ya then.

Adam walked off and Ellie went inside the locker room and began getting changed.

Y/N: So. Are you going to tell me who that filth was?

Ellie: He's not filth! He's Adam. The boy I've had a crush on since elementary school. He's also extremely popular and hot. Do you think he's going to ask me out?

Y/N: Tut. I highly doubt it. 69.42% of the human population get their hopes up and end up getting sad because they didn't get the result they wanted.

Ellie: So he isn't going to ask me out?

Y/N: There is a rather high chance he will, but still, I don't want to see you ending up getting sad because you expected him to say something.

Ellie: I'll take my chances!

Y/N: But-

But it was too late. When a girl makes up her mind, there is no stopping her. By the time the bell had rung, Ellie had reached mach 20 on her way to the back of the school. She straightened her hair and walked towards him.

Ellie: So, you want to talk to me?

Adam: I do. So, heres a funny story. Over the past few month, I have developed some .... strong feelings for you. A-as in VERY strong feelings. Now I know we might not know each other very much but after seeing you in dodgeball, I now think anyone can do anything. So I was wondering ... if you ... wanted to .....

Ellie: YES?!

Adam: Do you want to go out with me?

Ellie had the most happiest look on her face. But little did she know, that face would only be momentarily. Y/N clenched his fist. This shouldn't be happening. What would happen to him? He would be flushed out. Out of sight and out of mind. They would abandon him in a rusty old shrapnel box. His existence would diminish from public eyes. He wasn't going to sit around and let someone take Ellie away from him. If he finds out that a parasite lives in Ellie. They both would both be in trouble. There was only one thing he could do, and thankfully, it was what Y/N planned to do anyway. He flung himself at Adam with all his might. A punch stronger than All Might's and The Hulk's combined. It sent Adam flying into a wall.

Ellie: Y/N! What are you doing?!

Her voice was harsh and a quiet hiss but Y/N wasn't listening. All he had on his mind was to get them separated and save Ellie from this wretched human. She was his and nobody else's.

Adam steadily got up with fear in her eyes at the sight of Ellie talking to her arm.

Adam: You! Your a psychotic lunatic! You freak! Oh dear God! Why did I ever love you?

Ellie began to walk towards Adam comfortingly.

Ellie: Adam, I'm sorry! I didn't mean-

Adam: Stay back you psycho! I-I'll ....

Adam runs off like a coward. Ellie glared a horrendous gaze at Y/N. He wished he could shrink back in fear but when he tried, all he did was push into the shoulder blade. Ellie ran through the school gates and out into a junk yard where she stood a top a pile of shrapnel and screamed her lungs out and clasped her hair.

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