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The warm sunlight lit up every corner of the art room, colors splattered everywhere as students wandered around, chattering and laughing. Usually, the art department used to be the calmest department of the whole university everyone within it instantly filling with a sense of relaxation, wanting nothing more than to create something beautiful and elegant.

However, today, the very chill students had now become very loud and wild. The air was filled with millions of cheers and touches of laughter, students messing around and ending up in a mess.

Ah, it was the art fiesta week.

Yoongi scanned each bit of the art corner, which was completely in contrast to his literature department, his eyes falling on the herds of students acting like kindergarteners. What is so special about the art fiesta week? He thought entering the seemingly the most jammed room of the department, pressing his small frame through the crowd of people, trying to find the particular honey-tanned male.

Yoongi noticed how every student present there had a small yet cute design plastered on their cheeks and forehead, all grinned and laughing, though an expressly loud laugh caught his ears the most.

"Do you want to get your face painted? 3 dollars!" A funny-looking male sang in his ears almost making him cringe.

Yoongi looked around a moment, trying to follow the perky laughter before turning back to the funny man.

"Sure," Yoongi mumbled stuffing three dollars into the box the man was carrying, silently standing in the apparently long line. A smile slowly crept on his lips as he stared at the artist who drew on people's faces.

The ethereal boy sat by the window, the sunbeams creating a ring around his body, making him glow. Yoongi's orbs shimmered with light as they traveled on the other male face, catching in every detail of him. The blue sweater always made him look so small from his view but from a denser look, he was tall, possibly taller than him.

Petal was even more beautiful from close up.

Yoongi watched the girls and the guys watch 'Petal' with dreamy eyes, some acting coy as soon as they get their chance to sit next to him. They are a simp for him, aren't they?

The glowing honey-tanned boy himself had two black strokes or painted smeared on his face making two mustaches along with a circle and X on his eye, a red beret settled securely on his head, so secured that it didn't even slip when the boy threw his head back laughing.

Yoongi laughed secretly, the boy was too adorable to handle.

The slight smile on his face stretched even more as he stood exactly in front of the giggling boy, leaning closer to grab his attention.


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