Janamashtmi (before mishti pregnancy)

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Everything had been perfect. Just a few days ago he had managed to stop her from leaving. Just a few days ago he had told her that he loved her and fortunately even she had told him that she loved him. He had promised her that he would always be there for her when she stumbled, he would always be willing to hold her if she falls “Sambalna mera kaam hain” but alas today he failed to live up to his promise. He looked at the blood stains on his kurta which were camouflaged due to bright color and embroidery but somehow, he could still see them clearly. “I am sorry, Mishti” he said as he looked at her picture in her phone. With a resigned sigh his mind couldn’t help but remember the events that led to this predicament. 

Janamashtmi was being celebrated in full swing in the Rajvansh household. Every one was looking forward to the festivities but Abir had a special reason to be happy. He had challenged his angry chorni and asked her to confess her love for him in front of the whole family and he couldn’t wait. She had finally arrived with all her family and he could no longer contain his excitement after the customary greetings he had taken her her too the side and reminded her of the challenge. She had told him that today he will show him what Misthi Aggarwal is capable of and he couldn’t help but fall in love with her a little more. Her fierceness had always drawn him towards her. Later, Kuhu had challenged her to a dance competition and he had offered to be her partner. 

“Main hu na tumhara partner in this and in life” he had whispered the last part in her ear. 

A smile had graced her lips and she asked him “Are you sure you will be able to keep up Ajeeb Rajvansh?” 

“With you I never feel I have to keep up because with you I always feel in sync , always” He had told her and than the music had started and so they had to dance. For them it wasn’t a competition for both Misthi and Abir this was just another moment to savor with each other so even when she stumbled and Kuhu won she didn’t mind because Abir had caught her. Like he always did when ever she fell sometimes throughs his words, sometimes through his gestures he would uplift her and somehow make sure that she got back up.

Sometime later, it was time for the daahi-haandi ritual and the question was who would do the honors. Naturally both the Mahsewari and the Rajvansh family wanted at least one of their own family members to carry out the deed. It was collectively decided that Kuku would perform the rasam as this was their first Janamashtmi after their wedding. However, they were nowhere to be found so Misthi volunteered to do it from the Mahsewaris side as this would be the perfect opportunity to execute Abir’s challenge. Even before Naanu had asked him to go from their side Abir had already decided that he go with her. 

“Come on, I will give you a head start why don’t you try first” He had asked her to take the lead in climbing the pyramid.

Sometime later, it was time for the daahi-haandi ritual and the question was who would do the honors. Naturally both the Mahsewari and the Rajvansh family wanted at least one of their own family members to carry out the deed. It was collectively decided that Kuku would perform the rasam as this was their first Janamashtmi after their wedding. However, they were nowhere to be found so Misthi volunteered to do it from the Mahsewaris side as this would be the perfect opportunity to execute Abir’s challenge. Even before Naanu had asked him to go from their side Abir had already decided that he go with her. 

“Come on, I will give you a head start why don’t you try first” He had asked her to take the lead in climbing the pyramid.

“What’s the fun in that Ajeeb RV we are in this together remember how about I race you to the top and this time I am not planning to lose” She had winked at him and Abir had had realized this was going to be harder than he had expected it to be. Maybe her small size had increased her agility as she had managed to reach the top just a moment before him.

“Yay main jeet gaye” She couldn’t control her excitement 

“But you still haven’t smashed the matkai angry chorni. Which means I can still win what are you waiting for?” He had asked her
(This is before mishti pregnancy)