Abir confront Meenakshi

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Abir saw his Nanu and asked Nanu do you where is ma. Asked in an angry tone and Nanu has never seen this said of his grandson. Nanu said she must be out.abir told everything to his Nanu Nanu was shocked how can his daughter go so down .Parul massi hear the conversation and start crying for abir .she had considered abir as his son . Meenakshi came back and asked why the lights are off and where is my family and a light comes to big Ben and abir started talking from back .I wish you were not my  mother I wish I was not born in your womb because you are so jealous and show hatred towards mishti . I wish mishti badi maa was my mother and not you .Kunal. come and said why mom is this true what would something happened to my Bhai . Meenakshi said one thing abir break the marriage because I found a girl for you it's my friend daughter and she thousands time better than mishti and she is so good ..abir said in your dreams maa. I wish never had woken up from coma .... Precap( abir spending time with badi maa and badi Papa) guys I will try to upload because my boards are coming I am just scared it's my first time in boards pray for me ✌️😀