realizing feelings

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Patrick is finally at their dorm after his long and tiring schedule. He's been gone for hours. His back feels sore after the continuous practice they had today.

Finally getting out of the shower he turns on his phone just to scroll through weibo and catch up on everything, that's when he comes across a photo they both took while they were in chuang. 'Just two happy boys, enjoying their life'. No complications or no feelings.
Patrick sighs on the fact that he is thinking about him yet again.

He again thinks about how he started falling for the older guy.

Flashback to the debut night...

"Zhoukeyu" announces the mentor. He finally made it. They've been talking about how they will debut together and spent the rest of the two years always being by each other's side. Still Patrick was worried. He knew that his rankings dropped during the final week from 5 to 13 and he wasn't quite sure if he could make it anymore.
Even now, according to the announcement they made few minutes ago, that he was going to be between the ranks 10 to 13. And looking at the people he is competing with he thinks he hardly has a chance to win. And now here he is at the brink of giving up hope.

'What would I do if I don't debut. Would I still have a chance back in Thailand? Will I get a chance to stay in China and continue with my dream to be a singer? Will I get the chance to spent time with him If I don't debut together with him...'
He quickly collects himself and goes towards Zhoukeyu and hugs him tight, to indirectly tell him that he made it and he deserves everything that he got right now and no matter where he is he would also be with him. And he is genuinely happy for him. Little does he know the taller guy was looking at him with a soft smile while hugging him back.
That's when he feels a sudden hold of his hand, he sees him holding on to his hand while at the verge of tears. He would've held on that hand forever if it wasn't for all the rush. He quickly returns back to his place to wait for the next rand to be announced.

'And the ninth place goes to...."yin haoyu"
There is a sudden burst in the crowd everyone starts crowding next to him.
He couldn't believe it he finally made it. His hardworking didn't go to waste. He was able to show himself to the world. And he also made it with his Dan...
Hearing the result he goes towards nine and hugs him. There are others who are around him congratulating him.
He finally gets ready to move towards the place we're the debuted members are supposed to stand. He gestures to nine as if he is saying that he's waiting for him to come.
Then he walks...towards his dreams.

He reaches there to see keyu coming towards him; his arms held out.
He goes to him and gives him the biggest hug. 'He feels warm and safe, like home...'Patrick thinks.
He feels happy around him and he is able to be himself whenever he is around the person he is hugging right now.
He feels daniel tightening the hug.placing his hands on his waist and gently caressing his hair.
'You did it' keyu slowly whispers and breaks the hug.

In that short period of time Patrick was able to understand that what he felt for the Person next to him wasn't something he feels for everybody. He feels secure whenever he is around daniel. He realized what he feels for daniel is something more. But he just wasn't ready to accept It yet.

But who knew what he felt would grow more and more until he was finally sure what he felt for the other guy.
'He knows that he loves Daniel '

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A/N: this au came purely from my imagination. Feel free to stop if you feel uncomfortable.
Thank you guys so much for reading...

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