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The dance teacher repeats for the nth time.
"Is everything Okay man? You've been so out of it" mika asks from behind,he has been watching keyu for a while now and he's been continuously making the same mistake over and over again.
"It's nothing I'm drained man, I just can't seem to focus" he lies when he clearly knows the reason why he is like this.
"Let's take 5" the dance teacher shouts."zhou keyu can you please come here?"
"Yes laoshi"

Are you alright? I've been noticing you since this morning, you've already mastered this move last class,but I just can't understand why you keeping making the same mistake" the teacher asks out of concern.
"Im fine, I'm just tired after coming home late" he replies." I'm sorry laoshi I'll correct it"
"It's fine just take a 15 minute break and come back"
Keyu walks out of the practice room and goes to their restroom and continuously splashes water on his face to wake him out of it.
"get a grip keyu, you were the one who pushed him away"

          * * * * * * * *

Keyu enters his shared room with liuyu and throws himself to his bed.he feels tired after a long day of making mistakes. Atleast he was able to correct it before coming here he thinks. Having no more schedule for the day and having a free day ahead of him would be the biggest present for him. He opens his phone to play a game of honor of kings to get his mind off of things.

Reaching midway of the game he keeps on loosing which is so unlike him. He himself is very proud of this gaming skills and if linmo or the others ever sees him loosing they would sure make a big deal out of it.
Frustrated, he throws his phone on the bed and stares into the thin air. No matter what the only thing he keeps seeing is the dejected face of Patrick. It's been haunting him for two days. Two days since he saw his favorite didis face. Two days since the younger has been avoiding him like plague.

It makes him wonder if he did the right thing. Keyu has always known that what he felt for Patrick was something more.
He's been thinking about Patrick more than he is supposed to which has been messing up his work.
Keyu would've said yes if he wasn't too much of a coward himself. He always thought about what others would say and the consequences that would come after getting into a relationship, before even getting into one.

He just realized how much Patrick means to him, When they are finally not close as before. He misses the younger soft smile whenever he listens to him or his adorable face when he's confused. Or the younger ones determination when he needs something. Patrick has always been brave, taking risks and trying new things. But he is too afraid of it.
He is missing the times the would spent together after practicing, laying his head on his didis shoulder and talking about random stuff. Or going to the youngers room when he feels down to get comforted by him.

He misses Patrick more than he's supposed to miss him. He miss seeing his smile he miss hearing him laugh, he miss being around him. Daniel has been away from Patrick for more than two days, but knowing that he doesn't have his didi to look forward to when he comes back makes it even worse.

"Ah God whats wrong with me"
Keyu sighs out of frustration and gets out of his bed. Going to the living room to get his mind out of things.

      * * * * * * * * * *

A/N: this is purely fictional
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