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'Can I change my answer about what I gave of last week?'

Keyu asks soflty merely a whisper. As he looks at a Patrick who is at the brink of tears in front of him.
He doesn't like to see this. He doesn't want to see him cry.
'What did you say?' Patrick says almost as if he can't believe what he just heard. 'What does this mean'

"I said, I wanna change my answer...about the last time" Keyu says more clearly mustering the courage to look at him. To see Patrick pale as snow in front of him. His heartbeat fills the room, and a thin cloud of silence fills the room for a moment.
"Patrick..." zhou keyu starts reaching forward to hold the youngers ice cold hands.
"I wanna change my answer...will you let me do that?"

Patrick still stays in shock. He gives the youngers hands a small squeeze and begins.
" I like you too Patrick...and I'm sorry for replying late, I'm probably the biggest jerk here aren't I?"
"I've made you sad because of me and my stupid decisions...I've always liked you...ever since the camp ever since we were both on the first stage together. Being around you made me so happy that it scared me...I was scared of the fact that I liked you so much that it wasn't right...I was too much of a coward unlike you...I overthought everything all the consequences that we would face, even before we were even together. You were ready to give us a try even when i hesitated like I always did..."keyu says not realizing the tears that started to drop out his eyes...
"So...would you let me change my answer Patrick?"

"Are you really serious....your not making fun of me right now are you? This is real right?" Patrick bombarded keyu with many questions all at once.
Keyu bends lower to the youngers height and wipes the tears that were flowing through his eyes.
"Im dead serious....I would never joke about it....I like you Patrick, more than you think."
"So...." keyu asks, with a hint of nervousness in his voice." Will you be my boyfriend Patrick?" He feels his heart beating faster at the every moving second.

Patrick stares at the olders tear filled eyes..."he's so handsome" he thinks. This scene he is seeing in front of him was something he only imagined and gave up on. Seeing the person he loves telling that he loves him back is a wonderful feeling he thinks.
"Yes" Patrick says soflty almost a whisper. He looks at keyus face to see him brighten up the minute he says this.
Keyu goes towards Patrick and embraces him. He feels complete. Staying there by his side.
Patrick tightens the hug. He feels warm and safe. 'Like home' He thinks.

"I missed you...I missed you so much you know..." keyu says between their hug. "I was practically worrying if I would ever get to hug you like this again."
"I've missed you too you you know how much I wanted to come to you..." Patrick says as he breaks the hug." You cried" he says teasing the older one.
" you cried too" keyu says grinning as he wipes Patrick's now flushed face. " you are so cute and fluffy" keyu says laughing as he scans Patrick's face.

His gaze diverts to Patrick's lips this time. 'So soft'
He suddenly feels nervous. He take a quick glance at Patrick's face and he could tell that he was nervous too. He again looks at him as of asking for consent and leans closer.

He presses he lips on Patrick's and plants a soft kiss on his lips.
He break the kiss and stares at the youngers face looking so red. "Your so adorable...look at you all hot and bothered" keyu says teasing him. "I'm not" the younger deny hiding his face. Keyu takes the opportunity to kiss him again. This time longer. He just can't get enough of the person next to him. 'I'm so whipped' He thinks as he stares at the youngers face.

And he is sure that no matter what happens he will stay by his side forever and always.
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A/N: this is purely fictional
Credits to the rightful owner for the picture

thank you everyone for taking time to read this au
Hopefully I'll write a new au
Till then love u guys and kepat <3💜

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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