~~No sleep~~

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Have you ever thought about snow in November? It's quite early for my liking. But the view was quite beautiful but just thinking about the weather outside sent a shiver down my spine.

The snow covered the grass making it look so pure, since nobody had left there house the snow remained without footprints. The rooftops had snow in different layers on them, every house with different roofs and different snow patterns. I looked down at the street of the colony which was empty and the snow was yet to be shovelled as it was quite early in the morning.

The entrance to the colony was quite lovely with a cypress plant which formed a tunnel shape, it had bushes aligned on each side giving the colony a natural gate. I felt cold as I was sitting in the attic.

It's an odd situation that I am in, I mean usually when you can't sleep at night you sit in your bed and ponder on different things or you rather be looking out from bedroom's window but then there's me who preferred to go to the attic for a better view.

It's must be around 3 in the morning when I left my bed, it's been half an hour since then but I still can't close my eyes despite the long journey I travelled. All the way from Germany to Kashmir, I've lived in Germany since I was a child but I loved coming to Kashmir since I am partially a Kashmiri.

But what bothered me was that it was too sudden, I didn't even say a proper goodbye to my friends. I wouldn't expect to move in the senior year of high school, it was quite a drastic measure. Studies won't be an issue, I've studied in Kashmir before when I was in kindergarten so the curriculum won't be that hard, will it? I guess I am judging on quite little experience.

Mum suggested the high school she studied in since she used to live here as her father worked with the UN organisation. I had caught a glimpse of the school on my way from the airport but it was hidden by the trees. The school was at a walking distance from my house but my father offered me a ride since it was my first day.

Mum had gone on and on about her school and comforted me last night that it'll be just like back home. I heard the morning call for prayer and saw quite a few people leave their house to offer prayer at the mosque, I even saw my father. Seeing him leave alerted me about mum being up so I hurried to my room so she wouldn't look for me. But as I left I couldn't help but notice how the people had ruined the snow with their footsteps.

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