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I had handed my phone to sister Martha and was now heading to my classroom, sister Martha's directions the only guide to my way. I stopped in front of a classroom which had 12B plated next to it, the corridors looked a bit eerie due to the lack of sunlight.

There was a lot of noise coming from the class but that was until I knocked the door and all of a sudden I didn't hear a single sound made from the other side of the door. It was as if a wave washed every bit of pebble off the shore.

"Come in" I heard a soft, gentle voice call out. I pushed the door open to reveal a classroom filled with girls in the school uniform except for some of them were wearing hijabs. I saw a plump woman standing on the dice, she was dressed dressed in the same attire as sister Martha and sister Dominique. Then it hit me, she must be sister Pascal my class teacher.

"Child you may step inside" I noticed that I hadn't moved as I was examining the whole classroom first. It was so open, it had big windows that were apparently closed but they let in whatever of the sunlight there was outside. The class was lit with the rays of the sun and it looked calming. I would love to have a cup of tea right in this lovely atmosphere.

I stepped in avoiding the stares I received, I stopped at the dice and introduced my self to the teacher. "My name is Laurita but you can call me Laura. I am a new student."

"Laura is it?" She checked her attendance register meanwhile I stared at my boots.

"I am sister Pascal, your class teacher as well as your English teacher. Why don't you take a seat next to Rohina and Ghazala." She suggested. I didn't mind since the seat was way at the back and I preferred the back.

Rohina was a red head with green eyes where as Ghazala was a blonde with blue eyes. They both looked out going and bold. I sat down and as soon as I did Ghazala turned towards me, she was sitting on my left hand side.

"I am Ghazala but I go with the name Ghazal" she stretched her hand in for a shake which I took gladly. "In that case I am Laurita but you can call me Laura."

"Sure thing. This is my friend Rohina and you now are our friend." Rohina beamed at me but she had that look on her face as if she was waiting for something.

"Nice to meet you Ro" she shook my outstretched hand but she had a perplexed look on her face.

"Do you mind if I call you Ro?" I questioned her feeling uneasy, what if she didn't like the name.

"Sure, why not? After all you're my friend, aren't you?" She simpered.

"Of course." I grinned in her way.

"So it's set then, you'll join us for the lunch break" Ghazal informed and yet the look was there in her eyes that I couldn't ignore but nonetheless. I had found my self two lovely friends, that too on the first day itself.

"Girls if your introduction is done, can we begin the class?" Sister Pascal questioned.

"Well sure you can" Ghazal replied, she seemed to be the naughty one.


"I can't believe you don't remember me!" Ghazal exclaimed.

"I do. It's just that you had a different hairstyle back then" I defended my self. Apparently Ghazal was the Chief secretary's daughter and we had known each other for the last summer as we had gone horse riding and trekking together. And now are parents would be working together.

"But my name is the same" I sighed in defeat. I honestly forgot to think of the possibilities of having a classmate that I might know.

"As if you remembered her. If you did, you would have told her this at the beginning" Ro supported me.

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