~~A bit different~~

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Screeching sound is what I heard as soon as I had taken in the situation I was in. I stood in the midst of a horrifying scene. The screeching sound must be irritating but right now it was relieving as it indicated the halt of the bike.

As I came back to my senses I stepped aside and watched the bike speed down the road. Bikers don't scare me but the ones here don't just ride a motorcycle for travelling purposes, they use those vehicles for stunts. They can actually ride bikes by simply standing and while having no contact with the steering. It scares the hell out of me, since it was winter couldn't they just stop riding such dangerous vehicles for their own safety as the roads are quite slippery.

I shook the thought out of my head and that's when I heard a cheery voice "Laurita,isn't it?" I turned around and saw a woman wearing an overcoat. She was round and short, the aura she held immediately made me feel comfortable answering her. "Yes, but you can call me Laura."

"Then Laura it is. I am sister Martha" I nodded in anticipation. I could see that she was a nun as appearance was a vivid proof of that. She had wimple covering her head and she was probably wearing a habit underneath the over coat.

She led the way through the school gates. I was quite stunned by getting the first glimpse of the building, it held so much charisma. It reminded me of the the schools in classic novels and it was a dream come true. There was a clock tower at behind the school building, it stood there as if it were tall and proud of its existence.

Honestly speaking I hadn't even known the name of the school but as I approached the building and in bold letters the name was craved on a granite plate. It read "Presentation Convent High School" and beneath that it read "For girls, since 1936." Apparently it was an all girls school and it was quite historic for me.

As I entered the building I noticed that I was somewhat late since there was no one in the corridors or in the courtyard. The courtyard looked shovelled but as the snow fall had begun it was of no use but I loved the serene view right in front of me. The benches in the courtyard had snowflakes falling on them and the plants in each corner of the courtyard were dressed in snow. There was a fountain in the midst of the courtyard which I am sure had fish in it since their happened to be a nun throwing some fish food in the fountain.

We entered the principal's office and as I entered the warmth invaded me. Sister Martha motioned me to take a seat. I took a seat as the principal turned around in her seat, she was dressed in the same attire.

"Well Martha, do get the child some coffee or hot chocolate" she turned towards me and asked "child, what would you prefer?"

"I'd like some hot chocolate" I smiled at her. She motioned for sister Martha to go ahead with her task and that's when she disappeared from the office.

"I am sister Dominique and I am the principal. You must be Laurita" She introduced.

"Well, that's me." That's when Sister Martha placed a mug of hot chocolate and beamed at me. She left soon after that.

"Laura as I see you prefer, you've joined us in the senior year of high school so I am a little worried about about you adjusting to the curriculum. I've talked this through with your parents and we came up with solution that you might take extra classes for an hour or so if you find any subject difficult." She smiled at me.

The hot chocolate tasted so heavenly. The aroma it held was so alluring as if I were sitting in cocoa field in Africa. The liquid was thick and its delicacy was rich with warmth, it calmed the shivers I felt internally.

"I'll make sure that won't be needed" I assure her.

"Okay dear, her you go. This is your section." She handed me a paper with 12B scrawled on it. I looked at it confused. She notice my expression and grimaced with amusement.

"Well here the system is a bit different dear. The teachers don't have there classrooms, the students are allocated in different classes and the teachers attends them after every class."

"Oh" is all that I mange to say. It's shocking but it's nice for once in a while let the teachers come to us instead of the other way round.

"Don't forget to hand your phone to sister Martha, she's your supervisor. You'll be handed the time table by your class teacher. Now go on dear sister Martha will lead you to your class. Do join me for a cup of tea after school and tell me about your first day here."

"I sure will" I simpered at her. I can't help myself but wonder why the principal wanted to chat with me and the staff as far as I've known is kind to me. Probably cause I am new but hell yeah I am the daughter of the future chief minister. This sort of behaviour should be expected...


Author's note:

I'll be posting some links in the comment section so you can watch the videos to get some idea about how Kashmir is. I couldn't get through with posting them on the video URL blank.


You may want to mute one of the video since it contains music....

The Foot Bridge....Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon