~~Proper reason~~

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I slumped my way to the house on my right since that was the house Jared instructed me to go to. Even though I felt quite queasy about this whole charade Jared decided to play, I had no choice left so I headed to the house.

I couldn't see the house since it was cloaked with thick green trees. I was anticipating at I didn't have to ring a doorbell anon. I trailed long the footpath as I reached the gate.

I stood at the gate praying at our neighbours didn't own a electronic doorbell and if they did I would have to explain myself on the microphone. I reached out to ring the doorbell with closed eyes yenning that it be a classic doorbell.

I felt a round spherical object under my palm with a button to press. I sighed in relief and pressed the doorbell as I opened my eyes. I doted on the doorbell as it was a cute little object with designs in gold colour stippled on it.

I dallied at the gates till I heard someone open the door. I expected it to be servant but this person in no way appeared to be worker let alone a servant.

"How may I help you?" He questioned while stood there dumbfounded by his appearance. This guy was my age as I could see and his appearance was a straight giveaway of him coming out of bed. I didn't mind that since I had no right to judge anyone but I felt extremely bad for ruining his nap.

"I am really sorry for disturbing you but you see I am stuck in a dilemma. If you could just do a favour for me." I requested as well as apologised.

"Courteous, now aren't we?" He replied as he rubbed his eyes.

"Do explain your dilemma and my favour that I am obliged to?" He was coming off as rude. He had a right to be, if it were to be me in his place I would have downright slapped the door on the person's face.

"I sincerely apologise for my interruption." I felt uncomfortable knowing that I was the reason for someone's discomfort.

"It's okay. Go ahead and elaborate on your situation" He encouraged.

"Umm...mmm...well" my gaze turned to his face as he wore an impatient look as well as a questioning one. I felt sorry for the poor guy but I couldn't come up with a proper reason for me not being capable of getting through the gates of my own home.

"Well I was wondering if I could use the door in your backyard which leads to the neighbouring house" I hope I came off the right foot.

"Why? You know I can't just let someone through to my neighbours house that would be quite irresponsible" he wore an amused look as if my misery was a joke. Well it was a joke played by Jared.

"Just let me through, I am sure they don't pay you to guard their house" I retorted. He was sleepy a few seconds ago but I guess enjoying my misery awakes everyone.

"Well they don't but I wouldn't want to come off on the wrong footing with my new neighbours" He smirked.

"Well you already did" I muttered.

"Was that meant for my ears? If so I wonder how" this person was getting on my last nerve.

"No it wasn't" I was fuming already. Once I get home I'll make sure to kill Jared.

"Just tell me the reason and off you go" he suggested while beaming.

"Sibling brawl" I hoped that summarised everything.

"Ahh...I see. Do come through" he stepped aside as he gestured for me to enter.

I was greeted by a perfectly mowed lawn and at the very front of the house was a well sculpted fountain.

This place look so perfect but yet again perfection didn't exist on Earth.


this is chapter is dedicated to maryam_xx

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