~~My Paradise~~

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The entrance to this enthralling place left me lost for words. There were sculptures at the entrance of the lawn as though waiting for visitors to enter. A alluring fountain with water flowing out of a well sculpted horse's mouth and in the midst of all this there stood a mansion worth - well lets not sate its worth cause it looked priceless.

As though it was completely made of glass, the glass windows with glass paint in different patterns delineated with perfection.

I heard a cough certainly done on purpose to remove me from my reverie. "If you may we shall get going" my neighbour gestured me to follow him. He had interrupted me from my trance which I didn't want to exit from but unfortunately had to.

We proceeded towards the backyard, I had the opportunity to see the side profile of the mansion and it was even more intriguing than the front as it had pillars that held the outstretched ceiling. The pillars had vines encircling them, each vine with a different shades of the colour green.

By the far end of the backyard there was carriage, probably set as a decoration piece. It had evergreen vines girdling it. These ones differed from the ones around the pillars, I recognised them as the firecracker vine. The steps of the carriage lead to the pond which had pebbles surrounding it.

Over and above this place was magical. It seemed like people here put a lot into there homes no wonder they looked beyond ones imagination.

"You've a very beautiful home. It's its own paradise" I complimented my current environment.

"And wouldn't you love to be a part of my paradise" he criticised.

"Who wouldn't love to be a part of a paradise" I replied with politeness and sincerity.

"But it's my paradise and I choose who gets to be a part of it" he retorted.

"Rude much" I mumbled. He didn't hear me which resulted in silence as he tried to unlock the big wooden door covered with various climbers.

"What's taking so long?" I was getting impatient as he couldn't even place a key in the keyhole.

"Why don't you try doing it?"

"Move aside then" He huffed and handed me the key. It was a big key with string attached to it which was perhaps used to hang it.

Due to the climbers I couldn't see where the keyhole was, as I was trying locate it I heard chuckle so I turned around and glared at him which pretty much shut his mouth.

The key somehow found its way in the keyhole which relieved me but turning the lock was much harder and it would take the strength of hulk to unlock the door.

"You used your head, now let me use my strength" he asked as approached me from his previous posture.

"Be my guest" I moved aside as he twisted the lock and pushed the door open, letting me through with a gesture of his hand asking me to leave - chivalry much.

I felt obliged to show gratefulness so I did. "I'm so sorry for the trouble once again. Nevertheless, thank you for your help." At least one of us could be genuine.

"You're welcome. Let's just pray that you don't stumble on my paradise again" he sneered.

"I wouldn't stumble as I fly over views so panoramic and don't worry about me being a part of your paradise without your permission, I don't need to be a part of something of which I have a fair share." I smirked as I slammed the door on his dumbfounded face.

Certainly I couldn't expect a layman to understand my philosophy.


I'm sorry for such an uncalled absence. I hope this chapter pays for it. Anyways this chapter is dedicated to LuhanEXO-R for being my recent follower.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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