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It takes three days for me to surrender.

Once I reach home, I run to my room and look for the bag I used last Saturday searching for that specific white card because today, my boss has officially called for a war.

She publicly criticised me in front of seventy executives during our monthly meeting. At first she was just introducing me to the team but towards the end of her speech she told me -fucking mentioned my name with her eyes directed to me- to be better than what I've been this one week.

"Maybe it's a slow week for you since you're still settling in but I expect better from now onwards."

Last week, on my third day here she called me to her office to ask me to step up my game. Because apparently, according to her, I'm lacking at delivering impactful results. She expects to get the job done yesterday if she's asking it today.

That's how I became determined from that moment onwards to be more efficient. I worked eight hours every day compared to what I used to back in my home country, pushed myself so hard to ensure I deliver more than what was expected.

But that's still not enough? That she needed to humiliate me in front of others instead of telling me personally?

You know what, I'm gonna call this Collins woman and have my acting career started. And when I become the next Scarlett Johansson, you're gonna eat your words because during that time, I'm already a million times richer than you! Fucking work like a rat while I enjoy my millions! Hmph!

Yeah yeah twenty-nine behaving like a twenty year old. Whatever.

And for anyone who would comment that it's too late to start an acting career at twenty-nine, well, I'm Asian. We don't age. Especially when I'm standing at five feet one, I look more like a school girl than somebody who has worked for six years in the industry.

"Hello, Collins speaking." The same voice I heard last Saturday answers the call. Good, this is indeed the right number.

"Hi," Gosh I'm so nervous, "We met last weekend. On Saturday, near the subway. No no not the food subway but uhh the transport. The train," Damn it I suck at this, "I wore black coat with the-"

"Ohhh you're Scarlett."

"Huh? I'm Scarlett? Is that my character's name? I already have a role? Or I'm the next Scarlett Johansson?" I laugh to my own joke, to which she chuckles elegantly.

"Does this call means you're taking my offer?"

"Ermmm maybe. I don't know yet. Can we meet first? I wanna know what I'm getting into."

"Sure, I can ask my driver to pick you up now."

"Now?" Wow that was quick. Am I really in demand?

"Erm can you just give me your address? Maybe it's just nearby? I can just walk there if that's the case." To be honest I'm taking a precaution.

Because there's a chance she's a human trafficker. Those clothes and car might be the outcome of a crime ring she runs. Perhaps I can google the place first to ensure my safety if it's indeed a dodgy area.

"Sure," she replies then drops me the address immediately, as if she's really legit with nothing to hide.

Okay, we'll see then.


My jaw dropped when I first saw the place. It's a classic four floor building that look like the infamous New York brownstones, I seriously thought it's an apartment building but it's indeed Cupcake's headquarter.

It was 8pm because I called her right after I got home from work, so it took me an hour to reach here by train from my house. Even when it's quite late, the place was filled with people in the same elegant workwear.

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