Breakfast Part 1

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Wilbur woke up to a cold bed, and a pillow replacing where Quackity had been laying.

Frowning, he stood and stretched, almost touching the ceiling.

He opened the door and took a step into the hallway, the scent of pancakes assaulting his nose. He walked down the hallway to find Quackity doing his best to make some pancakes.

And not cuddling with him.

So, Wilbur walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Quackity's waist. He pushed his face into the crook of his neck and breathed him in.

Apple pie.

However, he realized, the only reason Quackity smelt like Apple pies was because he'd finally gotten him to stop rubbing the car fresheners, called "new car smell", on his clothes.

He smiled at that. It had been a month long battle to get him to stop doing that.

He was dragged from his thoughts when a hand reached up from the "pancakes" and tussled his hair.

"Good morning." Quackity said while failing to flip a pancake.

Wilbur hummed in response and continued to be a minor inconvenience while Quackity tried to cook breakfast.

Eventually, Quackity set two plates down in the table.

"Can you let go of me now?"

Wilbur shook his head no and buried his face deeper into Quackity's shoulder.

Quackity chuckled and gently removed Wilbur’s arms from his waist. He wrapped him up in a blanket and sat him down at the table.

Wil was always like this in the mornings, it was adorable.

Cautiously, Wilbur picked up a fork and stabbed the pancake. He'd watched Quackity make them and he was scared to try them.

"I hope you know that I'm trying these because I love you."

And with that Wilbur forced the pancake down his throat.

Yep, just as bad as expected.

"Okay, let's go get something else."

Wilbur picked up Quackity's plate and  threw them both in the trash.

"I used salt instead of sugar again didn't I?"

Wilbur nodded, "and far too much vanilla extract, but you are expert pancake flipper."

Quackity smiled at that and threw on a coat grabbing Wilbur's as well because he likes to say he doesn't need it. Ten minutes later however, Quackity is coat-less and Wilbur is shivering.

They exited their apartment and walked down the sidewalk to the Bad Bakery.

Quackity rested his shoulder on Wil's, "I love you."

"Love you too."

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