Help Part 1

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*Major Physical Injury Centric*

Hero/Vigilante/Villian Au thingy

(Also we trying out the first person thing)


It wasn't supposed to happen this way. It was never supposed to even happen.

I have a couple friends, also heros, who I team up with.

Dream, incredibly skilled in ranged weapons and his power of persuasion. He had saved my life far too many times to count and I would’ve always been in debt to him.

Niki, kind and deathly scary when she wanted to be, had water bending powers. She was always by my side.

And finally Fundy.

He was like a son to me.

A shape-shifter, able to take the form of any person he so chooses.

He'd bailed me out of so many fuck ups I'd never be able to apologize enough.

They were my colleagues, my partners in crime fighting.

That was until today.

We we're fighting the biggest monster I'd ever seen, with claws made of dark clouds and a body spanning at least a hundred stories.

I went invisible for a moment, reappering farther away trying to draw attention away from the others.

"RUN!" I screamed as the monster lumbered towards me.

They didn't budge.

The monster stopped in front of me and turned to face my friends.

"Ohohohoho, Wilbur. Wilbur, Wilbur, Wibur, Wilbur." Dream growled my name at the end of the sentence sending a chill down my spine.

"You thought that you could out smart me? Well you should've thought better."

Wilbur frantically looked from the monster to Dream.

"Trying to make the thing attack me? No worries, I've got a force shield protecting us."

Dream smacked a button on a box that I hadn't noticed before and a blue hemisphere grew visable over the three.

My bestfriends.

My son.

Surrounding them all but me.

"Dream what the fuck are you talking about? Help me take down this guy!"

It was a helpless cry as the monster turned to face me snarling and getting on all four legs. It's smoky claws tore into the asphalt as it stalked to me, a strike of panic in me with each step it took.

Dream chuckled again, "We know Wilbur you can stop pretending! We know your the spy who keeps relwting information to Schlatt! Honestly should've expected it from the start!"

I just stared at him dumbfounded.

He must've gone mad, they couldn't possibly think-

Oh but they did.

With a small look at Fundy and Niki's faces he could tell that they were devastated to find out I did this.

But it wasn't me...

A foggy claw swiped his chest and threw him into a building.

The creature stalked again, and from afar I could hear the maniacal laughter coming from Dream.

My vision was foggy, and something was not right with my chest but I knew that if I stayed I was a dead man.

So I went invisible and started speedwalking.

I walked nowhere in particular, just away.

Eventually, I ran into a familiar street.

Good news, I could get help!

Bad news, it would have to be from Quackity.

Quackity was a notorious vigilante, always sticking his nose were it doesn't belong, commiting light crimes but stopping drug deals.

Aside from the vigilante bit, he was also my arch-fucking-nemesis.

Bitch kept showing up and "helping" me out with the drug busts I was trying to get rid of.

Albeit they made an okay team.

Still annoying to have to hunt him down for the drugs he stole from each one of the busts.

Last time, if I remember correctly, I broke his nose and in retaliation he broke my leg.

Not fair.

Maybe if he helped I could call it even.

So I deliriously made my way to the Quack meister's home.


I thought there was only one street this way...

My vision swam and multiple streets fogged my vision.

So I just kept to my sidewalk.

After a painful amount of walking I came across a house that looked like Quackity's.

I walked up the porch steps, tripping on the last, and knocking weakly on the door.

Wow, I am really fucking hurt if I can't even knock properly.

"Look I don't want your-"

Quackity opened the door and stared at me open mouthed.

"Suprise?" I did some jazzy hands and cracked a smile, before wincing and returning to my standing position.

"Wilbur, what are you doing here."

"I've, oh shit-"

My vision swam and I lost my balance falling into Quackity. Thank Philza he caught me.

I coughed a bit, and a mildly considering amount of blood came out.

"Well, Quackity I've got no one else."

My eyes started to close on there own, and my thoughts began to take over. However this did not prevent me from hearing Quackitys panicked yells for his room mate.

"CHARLIE, CHARLIE PLEASE WILBURS DYING. Come on buddy stay awake I don't want your blood on my hands."

I coughed again, consciousness coming back momentarily.

"Too late."

And with that, I went into a world of dark and quiet. Peaceful.

Only for the sound of a Train to break me from the calming silence.

Well, we tried the first person thing. Lemme know what you think.

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