Nightmares Part 1

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***Nightmare, Gore, and Relationship Trauma Centric***

The world was familiar, almost as if he had been there in a dream. He ran a finger along a counter top, dust. Walking around the room he spotted his friends, each in a natural position almost as if frozen in time.

He continued to walk throughout the house, checking every room for the one person missing. The one person that he loved the most.

He screamed and screamed and screamed for him, his voice going hoarse and his cries going silent. Sat on the floor, he curled up and cried.

He was alone again.

Completely alone.

Subtle footsteps echoed throughout the house, seemingly loud in the way they pierced the quiet. Banging into his eardrums, hurting his head, driving him, Crazy.

She came down from the stairs. She held a very very large knife in her right hand. It dripped crimson, pooling into a spot next to her beige flats. The blood seemed to drip, neverending, the shoes soaking in as much of it as they could.

He shook, curling more in on himself.

She did this.

How could She.

She lifted the knife walking slowly, the puddle of blood creating footprints from her shoes. She walked towards him before turning mechanically and stabbing the nearest person.

It was Him.

The only person that loved him.

The light of his life, snuffed out.


He stood, shakily, but determined and fueled by adrenaline. He grabbed her shoulder and tried to spin her towards him.

She didn't even budge.

She did however pull the knife from his body, letting it collapse. The only thing that moved in the space besides the two, was a dead body.

He was cut from his thoughts by her moving again, still robotic and janky, but even more terrifying.

The scene slowed and suddenly he couldn't move. Only watch as she slowly hurt every person. She finished with the last and walked towards him.

Each step was more terrifying than the last, able to hear the creak of each floorboard.

The sound seemed to come from behind him taunting him with every movement, making him tiny, insignificant.

Without control.

She creeped from behind and soon he could feel the breath. Fear coursed through his body making his hair stand on end.

She had killed everyone.




He could still feel the breathing down his neck, staying the same without error.

A sudden sharp pain coursed through his abdomen, a sharp blade of metal sticking out the front.

His body allowed him to move, or collapse, as he morphed into pain and crumpled to the floor.

When he fell to the floor his perspective changed, it was like he was viewing in third person.

That was when his world snapped into place, his mind clearing the situation cleared.

He was dreaming. They were all okay, it's just a dream.

He desperately tried the claw back any control over his dream. Slowly he lost any and all rationality resorting to fear as She came towards him once again.

He fell back into his body, pain encompassing his abdomen, terror engulfing his thoughts as She continued to near him.

She came up to him holding his head gently, almost caring, and kissed his forehead.

"Die Soot. You deserve it."

Sally pulled the knife from his back and plunged it into his chest.

Blood filled his lungs, and he desperately tried to wake himself before he died, with no luck.

He suffocated and watched, vision blurred, Sally laugh hysterically and stab someone else.


And Over.

And Over.







Wilbur gasped and sat up, tears streaming wildly down his face.

"Wilbur come here."

Wilbur leaned into Quackity's touch, trying to forget his dream.

Trying to forget her.

Trying to forget her actions.

She really did ruin his life. Ruined him, ruined Jared's life, really ruined anyone's life she came across.

She was awful.

"Shhh it's okay, you're okay, I'm okay."

Quackity rubbed circles on Wil's back, trying to calm him.

Wilbur's breathing was still jagged, taking deep breaths, followed by short panicked ones.

"Hey. Look at me."

Wilbur pulled out of the hug and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear them of tears.

"It's going to be okay."

Quackity stared at Wilbur's face, it was red, his eyes were puffy and tear streaks littered his entire face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up it was inconsiderate and I wasn't thinking and-"

"Shh, Wilbur you're fine. It's okay, you can't control you dreams, don't apologize for it."

"I know I know, I'm sorry I just-"

Quackity pulled Wilbur back into high and rested their foreheads together. He kissed Wilbur's forehead and their heads back together.

"I love you, I would never leave you."

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."

"So if I turned into a crazy axe murderer you'd still love me?"

Quackity laughed, "Even if you turned into a crazy axe murderer, now go back to sleep it's way too early for this shit."

Wilbur laughed and snuggled back into the covers burying himself in pillows.

Quackity wrapped his arms around Wilbur and spooned him. They both sighed, content and happy for the most part.

It was peaceful.

(Ayo horror chap besties? I'm kinda digging writing this ngl, pretty funsies)

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