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(orginally uploaded in my alt account)

lmao i don't really like shipping countryhumans but why am i doing this? well, there's apparently a lack of this ship over this website, i hate it. so uhh, decided to make a oneshot of my own revolving around it.

i took this prompt (the setting anyway) from a generator because i ran out of romance ideas lmaoaoao

this is the longest oneshot ive ever made so enjoy ig

(slight) content warnings: swearing, internal homophobia

and for context, ASA and ASEAN in this oneshot are the same person. Don't be surprised if eu calls him asa lol


It was around noon.

The organizations decided to hang out for a bit, since they all have been working a little too much lately. So far, all of them were literally on a blast. Lunch was already finished, and they all decided to go into an amusement park.

WHO and AL decided not to join towards the afternoon, due to some activities they had scheduled over the rest of the day. What had been left around the park are ASEAN, NATO, AU, UN and EU. The United Nations however, dragged the African Union to a nearby bench since they wanted to talk about "matters".

The three organizations decided to play some sort of "shooting the balloon" game until they got tired of it. NATO later on left the park for other things he had to deal with, due to a specific country with sunglasses interrupting his fun. Basically, it was ASEAN and EU left together at the park, at least together for now.

ASEAN and EU have been hanging out for some quite time already, although it wasn't daily. Even one of them, ASEAN in specific, actually made EU his love interest, as he was his role model when they first started after all. However, every time he calls out to EU if they want to hang out, he would often leave or won't respond. That was well, until today.

The pair walked around the park, investigating every single attraction they have seen in sight. They were planning on riding another ride, since they still had more time before time strikes 7pm. They promised that they would have dinner together with the others by then.

Eventually, the European's eyes landed on the ferris wheel. The Asian just went with it, despite his slight fear of heights.

As they walked towards the ride and went in the pod, EU was the first to lean on the seat on their right.

He remarked, "Today has been awfully wild."

ASEAN sat down on the seat across the pod. He asked, "A- Awfully?"

"It's a little quiet for some reason for being in a huge attraction park, or it's just me," he clarified.

"Eh, I guess this is just way less chaotic from work. Y- You don't have to deal with countries running around the house, stealing a kilogram of a chocolate powdered drink," the Asian remarked, and pulled out his phone from his pocket out of nervousness.

EU chuckled. "I guess you're right."

Seconds later, the wheel started moving. ASEAN placed his phone back into his pocket and decided to enjoy the view from above. Although he was a little anxious as he once again, hated heights, he still liked how beautiful the city looks like.

The wheel had been circling for a while. No problems and no other things had been bothering them. Silence actually filled the cart, and it was extremely awkward for both parties. Neither doesn't know if they want to start a conversation, so they both just stared at the beautiful view and adored it.

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