《CH》asean hc document (as of Feb 22, 2022)

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Wattpad A/N: this is just an archive of a Google document I made. Link will be in the comments under this line. The images in this version is lacking and I prefer for you to go there instead :)

ASEAN technically doesn't belong to me, I just made my own character based off the actual organization. Props to asean.org for some of the listed headcanons over here.

This document is written by @galyxsea on Instagram.

cw // mentions of war & death


I honestly would never get the "Strict Asian Dad" vibe from ASEAN to be fair. I mean, stereotypes sure but, I genuinely just don't like that at all. That's why I'm aiming for a different ASEAN in my headcanons. He's more of an older brother than a father to me, and it typically applies to every organization, literally some of them are way younger than the members itself tbh.

ASEAN is a really well preserved, kindhearted guardian amongst Southeast Asia. Although he does have some mistakes to bring as an organization, he rather not work as one and just gets along with the countries and fellow organizations really well. His personality is really diverse to the point where I actually have to make this document a thing, just like in real life! Southeast Asia really has a diverse and colorful  culture, and I really don't want to exclude him from that. :)


『🌾』Basic Information

Full Name: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Aliases: ASEAN, Southeast, SEA/Sea (Southeast Asia; short nickname), ASA (Association of Southeast Asia), ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), Riceball (mostly to tease), Haystack, Ba/Pa (mostly as a joke)

Gender, pronouns: genderfluid; he/him

Historical Age: 60 (as ASA), 54 (as ASEAN)

Physical age: age slider, mostly 27

Birthdate: August 8, 1967 (ASEAN age; he doesn't celebrate his real birthday for backstory reasons)

Sexuality: Asexual panromantic

Any mental disorders?: Social anxiety

Family: SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) is his brother, rest of his family is unknown.

Height: about 5'7

-- I do headcanon all of the organizations would have a "superpower" of some sort due to them being celestial, and it's way far from their wings' purpose. ASEAN's power involves going/swimming underwater. He can breathe, see and be agile, as well as making a bubble to let the others see and breathe as well. It obviously isn't used much. (The main reason why I chose this is because of Southeast Asia's geography.)


not everything here is historically accurate, some events are seen to be adjusted as it's hard to adjust irl events to humanized countries

Early history (ASA)

Just like any other organisation, ASEAN was brought to earth after a contract has been signed, but it isn't the ASEAN contract. He was born as the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) by Thailand, The Philippines and the Federation of Malaya (now Malaysia). He wasn't known that much and would often play with SEATO since there were still suspicions amongst the countries. ASA didn't last long though.

Long story short, Thailand and Malaya were having conflict all of the sudden, Philippines and Malaya had also some conflict with a region and the Malaysia-Indonesia Confrontation (war) happened, that made him "run away". The first person who realized it was Thailand followed by his brother. They both spent almost a year looking for the organization despite their busy schedules but literally were nowhere to be found. The truth was, Phil saw him dead months earlier and they figured to hide that fact until he accidentally blew the cover when SEATO realized what was happening.

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