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"Josh!" Mel runs in from the kitchen. " what is going on!"

" they are here"

(End flashback )



"There has to be a way out, how did we get in?" Damon says.

" if there is a way out do you think my siblings would have been here for 800 years!" I retaliate.

" So you just want to sit around and talk about the days when we were free? No! We need to find who put us in here, and rip there heads off!" Nik says then turns away from us and begins walking out of the room. I look at everyone and them follow him.

"Nik, Nik, Niklaus! Wait!" I scream after him. " You are gonna get killed being stupid." He finally stops walking and turns back to me.

"I don't know about you, but I don't just take it easy when some one locks me and a magic prison!"

"Klaus....." I stop and think what I am going to say, then I realize. "Nik, Nik can you hear me?" I try to talk telepathically. "Nik?"

"Yes I can hear you, why are you doing that"

" I just realized, do you remember when we came here,"

"Yes I remember we came only a hour ago."

"No, Nik. remember when we were talking and that man heard us and responded to us?"

"So, you think they can hear us now?"

"Why wouldn't they be able to?"

"Klaus you can't go into with a close mind!" I say out loud.

"I don't want them to think anything" I say in my mind.

Nik realizes what I was doing and followed along.

"I am not going to stay here as a prisoner Lauren!"

"Klaus just come back we will figure something out" I say motioning back to the room.

"We need to hurry." he says and walks pass me back to the room.

When we get to the room everyone has spread out. Nik walks to the little bar and gets a drink. I walk to my older brother, Valentin. I motion for him to follow me out of the living room to their bedrooms. When we get to one of the bedrooms I close the door and sit on the bed.

"What are we gonna do, Valentin?" I ask. He looks at me then starts shaking his head.

"Lauren....... Lauren we have been here for some time now....... we have tried almost everything." he answers an sits down on the bed next to me.


"We have to put up a protection spell up!" Mel yells to a room of her family. "they are gonna be back, we need to move fast." she looks around waiting for someone to say something to her.

"We can not use magic, we have to leave," Their mother says as she stands up.

"Mother we can not run away from this." Val says.

"These people will stop at nothing to get us, and if we stay here they will get us, we have no other chose we have to leave." she begins to walk away then stops and turns back to them. "only bring what you can carry."

(end Flashback)

"Val, we will to find a way" I say and rub his hand.

"Do you think they can hear us?" I say in my mind to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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