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I knock on the door. My heart is beating so much it might come out of my chest. I still yet to know what I will say to him. I heard the door jiggle, and open. A girl opens the door.

"Laurie....... How" she says and hugs me.

" Rebekah!" i hug back

"I thought.... How did you.... when did... Lauren my gosh" she stutters. " Its been so long."

I smile and walk in " It has.. too long."

" He told me you died, Lauren I thought you were dead" she says with hurt eyes.

" Not dead yet... even though i wanted to be many times" i say with a smile.

" Why are you here, why now , why did you find us now?" she looks confused.

" Rebekah I have been searching for you all for years on years, and i finally found you all" I say and look around. "Where is everyone, anyways?"

" I am the only one here, everyone should be here any minute." It was as if she knew that they were around the couner, because one minute later the were here.Me and Rebekah stood quietly as the walked into the living room of the large house. Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol walked in as Niklaus said " Sister you have guest ov...."

He stopped dead in his trackes. then the next thing i know I was slamed to the ground by Kol. I threw him off of me and jump up punched him in the mouth. He try to hit back but Rebekah stopped him.

" Kol what are you doing!" she yelled and Elijah grabbed him.

" Why protect her she tried to kill us!" Kol yelled and I gasp.

" Kill you what are you talking about, I never tried to kill you!" i yelled then looked at "Him", the man i am here for, standing in front of me not moving, just in stock. " You just stand there," i say to Niklaus, he looks at me confused. Then within milliseconds he is face to face with me.

"How did you find me" he says with his cold accents that cuts though me like a knife.

"How dare you, ask me that, not after years of looking." I say back go him with a strained voice. Then the next thing i know i was slapping him across his face. I don't know what come over me. I then felt the tears i wasn't awear i was fighting fall down my face. He looks at me surprised.

"You know what i want just give it to me so that i can leave" I say turning back to him.

"Lauren!" he yells to me

"Niklaus, I don't want to do this, please" I say and more tears come.


"Lauren are you ready we have to leave now or all the handsome ones will be gone"

"I am ready lets go"

Me and my sister Melanie walked to Town Square.

"Melanie what if no one likes me?"

"I am sure you will find one Lauren, don't be rediculous."

"I am pretty, like really pretty?"

"Lauren you are one of the best look gils around, come on or we will be late"

When we got there there were men all around. My sister left me and went her own way.


I turned around to see a handsome boy with blonde hair, but his clothes where not up to par.

"Hello, have I meet you before?"

"No i dont believe we have, my name is Niklaus, and what is yours?" he said and asked for my hand.

"Lauren" i said and gave him my hand.

"I am sorry Ren?" he asked

"No Lauren" i corrected.

"Sorry" he smile, his smile was the best smile i have ever seen.

(end flashback)

"Lauren, I....I... Just talk to me first" Niklaus stuttered

"I have not been looking for you this long to talk," I say back.
"What is going on Klaus," Elijah demanded. Within seconds Niklaus was gone. I looked around the room panting. He was gone.
"Where did he go" I yelled to Elijah. " He couldn't have gone far, he will be back," Elijah said turning around with his hands on his head.

At that moment so many thing go though my head.
I finally found Klaus and he just leaves. What if he is gone, again. He is not coming back. I have to go after him I can't let him get away.

"Where did he go?" I scream to Elijah, but he just looks at his sister.

"Lauren..... we thought you were dead," he walks toward me. "Elijah this is not the time, I have to go after him," I start to walk backwards.

"Laure.." i cut him off. " ELIJAH NO, I have to find him NOW!" I yell and walk toward Rebekah. "Bekah do you know where he went?"

"Lauren I think you should just..." she tries to say but I cut her off and back up and yell, "You don't understand..." but was cut off by Elijah grabing my hand, " Lauren listen to me! Klaus is coming back, just stay here and wait."
"Elijah listen to me, I have been looking for him for 800 year, I won't lose him again." I sceam and start to walk out the room, but he pulls me back and looks me in the eyes.

"Lauren he will be back. Right now talk to me."

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