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"You came here to remember that day? Why?" Niklaus asks me as we walk to his car.
"No I came for what you took from me that day" I said and opened the door and got in. " I want it back, then I am going to kill you," when I said that he looked at me crazy.
We drove for about 30 minutes till we reached this little old red house or should I say shed.
I get out the car and walk up to the small old house. I stop right before I get to the door and turn around. Klaus is standing by the car still looking around.
" Weird huh." I say to him and walk back.
"Why are we here Lauren?" he asks and starts to walk toward the house. I follow.
" So you can explain to me what happened that night."

Lauren is walking up the walk way to a little red house. She has a basket with milk and eggs in it. She opens the door to the house and puts the basket down on the small table. Niklaus walks into the front room from the back.
" I went to get the milk and eggs we needed." She tells him and takes off her jacket. Niklaus walks over to the basket and takes one of the milks out.
" Thank you." He walks to her and gives her a kiss.
(End flashback)

We walk into the house and I see the little table beside the door.
" It is still here," I say pointing to the table, but Klaus just keeps walking.
"Why are we here Lauren?" He asks me again.
" I told you..." Then he interrupts me.
"No Lauren the real reason!" He yells and pushes me against the wall causing it to crack. I push his hands off of me.
" Tell me why you did what you did that night!"I yell.
He looks at me then looks away, and I walk to the next room.

Lauren is sitting on the floor writing in her diary. A little girl runs into the room and sits next to her.
" What have you been doing?" Lauren asks the little girl then stands up.
" I picked flowers for you, do you want to see them?" The girl asks and pulls at Lauren's hand.
" I would love to" The girl pulls her out of the room into the kitchen. There was a little pile of flowers on the table. " Oh thank you, they are so beautiful" Lauren says and hugs her. Then Niklaus walks though the door.
" What is going on here?" He says then picks up the little girl and starts playing with her.
" She picked me flowers" Lauren says as she picks up the pile of flowers and puts them in a vase.
( end flashback)

I walk in the little kitchen where I once cooked in so many years ago. It is very broke now. I looked at the floor and the table is on it in pieces. On the wall behind the broken table is an old painting. I walk to it and take it off the wall and look at it.
"Remember this," I asked Klaus and he walks over to me. I wipe off the dust and cobwebs off. The picture was now clearer. I showed a woman, man and little girl.
Klaus looked at it then looked at me.
" Enough of this, get your point ." He takes the picture from me and throws it across the room and it breaks. And I walk over to it and pick up the pieces.
" 200 years...... 200 years...." I walk back to him.
"200 years.....200 YEARS!! NIKLAUS 200 YEARS!!" He looks away from me. I orb in front of him.
"Did they mean anything to you!" He grabs my arm and pushes me back.
"Why did you leave me?!! I was dying and you just left!" I scream and he turns back around.
" Look At Me!! Answer Me!!" I yell and he runs to me and yells," I HAD NO CHOICE!" I yell back, "What are you talking about you had a choice, and you choose to let me die!" He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house towards the car.
"Let me go!" I scream an pull from him.
"I am not staying here any longer." he says and gets in the car. I follow.
He starts the car as I stare at him.
He looks at me and says, "you didn't die did you?"
I look away from him out the window and he starts driving.

Lauren is lying down with the young girl playing with her hair as they talk. The little girl falls asleep. Lauren gets up and walks into the living room. Klaus is paint a picture (the one that was hanging in the old house). She walks to him.
"She is asleep we can go now." Lauren tells Niklaus and grabs his hand. He puts down the brush and they walk outside the small house.
"I'll race you." Klaus says with a smile then starts running.
"Nik that's not far!" Lauren yells/laugh and pulls up her dress then starts running.
Niklaus is gone and Lauren is running by her self. Out of nowhere Klaus is running next to Lauren, then picks her up. They stop running when they get to the edge of a hill. He puts her down.
They are laughing and Lauren grabs his hand and sits down. Niklaus puts his head on Lauren's lap. They look up to the sky.
"When was it suppose to start?" Lauren asks Niklaus.
" In a few moments." he answers.
In a few moments stars start to fall from the sky.
"Oh Nik look!" Lauren says. Niklaus sits up.
"It's beautiful isn't" Lauren asks Klaus as he puts his arm around her.
" You're beautiful," he says and pulls her closer.
"Nik. stop just look at the sky," Lauren says laughing.
They sit there and look at the sky till the shower was over. When the shower is over Lauren stands up and motions to help Niklaus up. They start walk back to the small house, Lauren is holding Klaus's arm.
"Niklaus?" Lauren asks.
"What is it?" He responds.
"I love you" she stops walking and Klaus looks back at her and walks back and kisses her.
(End flashback).

We sit in the car in silence for the whole ride back to his house.
My thoughts are all scrambled. What did he mean he had no choice. Why did he leave me. Why won't he tell me the whole story.
I can not hold it in any longer.
"For 800 years one thing has been going though my head," I finally break the silence.
" I just can not shake the thought away," I look at him, but he looks at the road.
"Did you love me?" I ask and he clenches his jaw.
" What kind of question is that?" He says though his teeth.
" Was it real?, because it felt like it to me." I say then look back out the window. He doesn't say anything back.
We pull up to his ginormous mansion. He gets out the car. I don't want to go into the house, but I need to hear the full story so I get out and start to walk in the house. As he opens the door I say
" Are you going to finish the story?" And he doesn't answer. "So you are not going to talk to me any more." I say but he walks into the house and calls out Rebekah's name.
Rebekah walks in.
"What?" She asks.
" Lauren will be staying with us till she leaves." He says.
I look at him, "what no I am not!" I say and look back at Rebekah. he looks at me and says, " if you want to know the story you will." he says and disappears.

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