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Lauren and Melanie walk up the small house laughing.
"He told you what?!"
"That he can beat me in a spells off ,"
"Why would he..." Melanie is talking when they walk into the house and sees their parents talking to their brothers.
"What is going on?" Lauren asks her parents. Her brother Andrew turns around to her. He has cuts and bruises all over his body.
Lauren and Melanie run over to him.
"What happened!" Melanie yells at him. Then their mother starts to cry. Lauren looks up at her.
"Mother, what happened?" She asked and her mother says,
"They found us."
( end flashback)
I wake up on a cold floor in a white room. I get up and look around, there is one door with a window in it. I look down and realize I am in different clothes. I have on a white tank top with black jeans and a pair of black sneakers. I walk to the door and try to open it. I won't open. I try to push it open. I won't move. I look around and put my hand against it, then it disappears. I don't know if I should use my powers here, where ever here is, but I can not stay in this room. when the door is gone I walk out the room and end up in a hallway. I start to run down the hallway when I hear Niklaus's voice. I stop running and turn around.
I start walking towards his voice. the farther I walk the louder his voice gets. I get to a door and I know he is behind it.
"When I get out of here I am going to kill every single one of you!" I hear him yell. I put my hand on the door and it disappears.
"Nik!" I yells and walk into the room. He walks to me and pushes me out the room in to the hall.
"Where were you?" He says as we start to walk down the hallway.
"In a few rooms down I just woke up." I say. "They changed our clothing." I pull on my shirt. when he doesn't respond I say, "how long have you known they were here?"
He looks at me then said, " about a month, at first I did not know why they were here but then you came and the dots started to connect."
"But wait what did Damon and his friends have to do with it?" I ask confused. then right when I said that Damon appears in front of us. he has the same outfit as Nik, a black shirt and gray sweats.
"Where are we? He asks me.
"I do not know, I was knocked out and woke up here."
" We all were knock out. You can use you magic, which means if you knew where we where you can leave using it,but you do not so we are have to find a different way to get out." He said and started to walk again and we follow. I look over to Damon.
"Why didn't you just leave like Bonnie told you to?" I ask him.
"Because you are my friend, and you saved my life, just returning the favor" he says then starts to walk faster to catch up with Nik.
"Klaus how do you think we are going to get out this one?" He asks Nik and he responds,
"By killing any one that gets in the way."
When we get to the end of the hallway there is a door. Nik grabs the doorknob and tries to open it, but to no veil. He tries to break it, but it did nothing. then he turns and looks at me and says, "your turn," I look at it and walk up to it, and put my hand on it, then it disappears. Damon starts clapping.
"Since when did you get magic?" He ask me.
"Always had it just didn't use it." I say and walk though the doorway. On the other side of the door was a big empty room with three chairs. We walk closer to the chairs and see that on every chair had one of our names on it.
" Is this a joke, and damn game!" Nik yells and throws the chair across them room, causing me to jump at the sound.
"Mother what do you mean, who found us, what are you talking about?" Melanie walks over to her mother as Lauren helps with her brother.
"The Chambers, a family that sole purpose is to kill our family." She says though her cries.
"What?! A family that wants to kill us?" Valentin says as he walk back from outside with a bucket of water. "why would they want to kill us?" He asks as he takes the towel from Lauren and puts it in the water.
"When my mother and father had me there where some complications,"
"Complications?!" Valentin asks.
"I almost blow up the town.The Chambers family caught on that I was not a normal kid. and they eventual found out what my family was. They decided to get rid of us." she explains.
"Rid of us? Mother?" Melanie says as she touches her shoulder.
"They thought I was a danger to them, so they tried to kill me," she stands and starts to walk toward Andrew.
"They did not succeed, but they did kill my mother. After that my father and I ran. 50 years later I wake up to my father saying they found us. They took my father that night, and because we can only be killed by "The Master" they locked my father up. That night was the last time I saw my father." She tells them the story. Tears start to form in most of their eyes. Their mother take the towel from Valentin and wipes Andrews face.
( end flashback)

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