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Lauren is walking into the market. She is carrying a basket. She buys some eggs,milk, and other things and begins to walk back.
About half way home Rebekah appears in front of her.
"Rebekah!!! You are back!" Lauren puts the basket down and hugs her.
"Why are you back so soon?" Lauren asks Rebekah as she picks up the basket.
"I. .... well it didn't work out liked I hope," Rebekah says as they start to walk to the house.
"Is their still room for me?" She asks with a laugh.
"Always." Lauren tells her and push her playfully.
"Niklaus will be so happy to see you." Lauren says as the get to the front door and Rebekah smiles.
(End flashback)

"Tasha get a room ready for Lauren." Rebekah told one of their maids. She look like she was in her mid 20's, probably compiled. She walks up the stairs to a rather large room with a huge bed. I turn around and look at her, "maybe a smaller room." I ask her.
"This is one of the smallest rooms," she says then starts to walk down the hall.
I close the door after her. I take the stake out of my jacket and put it under the bed.I sit on the bed and lay down. I look at the roof and what I saw caused me to jump up. It was the picture that was in the little old house. I look around the room again and start to see things. Some things where mine from years ago. I walk over to the vanity and pick up a necklace, It was once mine, I look over to the closet. I walk to the closet and open the door. It is a large walk in closet. I walk in and see lots of dresses. I take one of them down and looks at it. A tear falls from my eye. This was the dress I wore to my wedding. It was white with flowers all over it.
I fall to the floor and cry. Why would he keep all this, a room full of my stuff. I heard some one knock on the door.
"Coming," I yell and wipe my tears put the dress on the bed. When I open the it is Rebekah.
" How do you like the room?" She asks me and I turn back to the room and walk back in it.
"I can not believe he keep all of this, all these years."
"Nic keep us in boxes for years I think he can do a few of your items." She says as she walks pass me into the room toward the bed. She picked up the dress and looked back to me. I close the door and walk over to her.
"Of course he keep this," she said and sat down on the bed. "Who wouldn't keep it."
I take it from her and take it back to the closet.
"Why would he, keep it?" I ask.
"Why wouldn't he, Lauren you were married, it means something to him." she said as I walk back out the closet.
"I didn't mean enough..." I say and she interrupts me.
"Do you want to go out and catch up, we haven't see each other in so long." She asks.
"Well, go where... I don't even have my car.. it is in the town square, with my clothes in it,"
"I will take you to get it, and we can get some food while we are over there." she says and grabs my hand and leads me out the room. I pull my hand from her and follow her down the hall. Their home is absolutely beautiful, they have paintings from all over the world and artifacts all over the place. They put some thought into this house. Well Klaus has always love nice houses.
We get outside and Rebekah starts walking towards a red sports car.
"This is yours!?" I say with amazement in my voice. She looks at me with a smile and says,
"I like the rush." and we both start to laugh. We get in and drive down to the town square.
"Where were you all this time?" She asks me and I look at her confused.
" Where.. where was I.. hahaha.... where was I.. I was looking for you! And your brothers!" I say and she looks at me.
"What! What are you taking about? Why would you be looking for us?" She asks me. I look at her then look away shaking my head.
"Because you all left m.. Oh there is my car!" I yell and point to my sliver Nissan. We pull up to my car and we get out.
"The Grill is just right there, we can walk over to eat." she says as she gets out of her car. I take my keys out of my pocket and pop open my trunk. I dig into my bag and take out my jacket and put it on. I close the trunk back and walk toward Rebekah.
"Alright let's go." I say and keep walking to the Grill.
When we get inside a young boy with blonde hair a blue eyes greets us at the door.
" Rebekah"
"Who is this?" He asks as he walks us to a table.
"This is...um this is mmmyyyyyy....." She stuggles.
"Sister" I say for her.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Well I am like her sister, I have known her for many years." I explain.
"How many years, she has never talked about you before?" He asks and I look at Rebekah, then she looks at him and says,
"I would like a hamburger, no onions, curly fries, and a coke." then she looks at me, "and what do you want?" I laugh and shake my head.
"Um... a hamburger no pickles, no ketchup, no onions, no tomato, and no lettuce," I say an look at him.
"So you want a piece of meat and bun?" He asks and I look at my hand.
"Oh you are right, no bun." I look back at him.
"Just meat?" He asks.
"And water with lemon." I say and he shakes his head and walks away. I look at Rebekah and say,
" what is up with blondie you got something with him?"
"Oh please he is just the towns sad case, sister died, moms gone, you know." she says and the door to the bar opens. Two girls walk in, one is black and the other has long blonde hair, it is the girl that told me where Niklaus was. Rebekah looks back at me.
"And that's the town witch and bitch." I look at her and say," who is a witch the blonde one?"
" No the other one, the blonde is just a vampire bitch," she says and Matt walks to us with our food.
" One hamburger no onions and curly fries, one meat patty," he sits our food down and walks away toward the girls. I pick up my patty with a fork and bit it. the girls and Matt start talking.then it hits me, that's the girl that was at the Michaelson Mansion this morning. I get up out my seat and start to walk over to them before I can even know what I am doing. Rebekah calls my name, but it is to late I am already in front of the girl.
"Why were you are the Michaelson house this morning?" I ask her. And the blonde girl said, " hey you are the new girl, you just came to town this morning right?" I look at her and push her to the side.
"Who are you, and why we're you there?" I ask again.
"Who are you and why were you there?" She asks and Rebekah comes up to us.
"Lauren Bonnie, Bonnie Lauren, Lauren Caroline, Caroline Lauren, good now we all know each other." Rebekah says.
"Okay now why are you here Lauren." Bonnie asks.
"Family business, why we're you there, Bonnie?" I ask.
"To find someone"
" family business" she says
"At my families house, I do not think so" I say back with a smile.
"Your family? You are related to the Michaelsons, how?" She asks looking surprised.
" My business." I say, then Rebekah grabs my arm.
"We should go get dress if we are going to make it to the dance on time." she says.
"Dance? What dance?"
" The towns 20'S dance." she answers.
"Town dance I'll pass." I say.
"Oh we will miss you there," Caroline says, and I get an idea.
" you know what that might be fun, lets go" I say to Rebekah. She looks at the girls and Matt and I grab her arm and we leave. I get in my car and she gets in hers. we drive back to their house. When we get there Kol is outside talking to one of the servers. She looks very scared of him. he starts yelling and Rebekah jumps our of her car and runs in between them. I get out my car in run to hear Kol say, "she knows more about it I know she does!"
I walk closer to them, and now I can see the girl crying.
"Know more about what?" I ask. Then the door opens and Niklaus walks out. he looks around a says," why is my server out here crying?" no one says anything. "go inside Maddy," he says and she listens. After she walks into the house Niklaus looks at me then Kol.
"Really Kol, you are messing with the help now."
"You don't know what you a talking about." Kol says then goes inside. but not before giving me a look, a look that looked like he was telling me to leave. I look away from him and over to Rebekah. She is looking at Nik. He looks at me then over to the cars.
"That's your car?" He asks as he points to my car. I don't look at my car, I just keep staring at him.
"That is my car, why" I ask and he laughs. I start to shake my head.
"Calm down Ren I was just asking." he says and Rebekah starts walking toward to house. "Let's go Lauren we got to get ready for tonight." she yelled to me. I look toward her then back to Nik, then I go into the house and he follows.
"Here one day and already going to dance's"
"Yup, are you going" I ask him.
"Well I did pay for it," he says and I roll my eyes and follow Rebekah upstairs. I realize that I do not have anything to wear to a 20's dance.
"Rebekah I do not have anything to wear." I tell her when we get to her room.
"Oh I got that covered," she says as she walks to her closet. when she comes out she is hold two flapper dresses. One is white, the other is black. I have not wore on of those dresses in so long.
"The last time I have worn one of these was when I burned down a little club, because I thought Nik was in it." I say and laugh.
"When was that?" Rebekah laugh as she put the dresses on her bed.
"1927" I say and she looks up at me the down at the shoes again.
"1927? Was the club right by a loading dock."
"Yes. why?" I asked confused.
"Because we where in that club" she says and try's to laugh it off.
"If you were in that club you would have burned, I spelled it so that no one could get out." I say and she looks back at me.
"It caught on fire after we left it, Michael came and almost killed us but we got away, then the place burned down. All this time I thought Michael burned it down." she says and I sit down on the bed.
"I was always one step behind you all." I say and lay down on the bed.
"You found us now." that's because Niklaus is being sloppy." I say. " breaking big curses and killing doppelgängers, people start talking." Rebekah goes back into the closet and says, "enough about my brother, you can kill him after the dance, I haven't seen you in 800 years, I have missed you, this is our time to have fun. Just one day then you can do whatever it is that you came here to do." She comes out the closet and has two pair of heels in her hand.
"Okay just one day, please." she says and puts the shoes by the dresses.
"Okay, but I want the white dress." I say and point to it on the bed.
"Fine" she says and grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed. " go to your room, take a shower, then we will do our hair and makeup," she says as she pushes me out her room. then closes the door behind me. I start to walk down the hall when I hear Klaus talking on the phone. I stop to hear what he is talking about.
"You are lucky Stefan, she won't be there next time." he says over the phone,"i don't take this lightly" he says the hangs up the phone. "I know you are there Ren" he says and I jump. I open the door to what looks like a study and walk in.
"Was that the man you just tried to kill?" I ask and sit down on one of the chairs next to the desk.
"The one you blindly rescued" he said and sits on the other chair. I cross my legs and look around the room.
"That was to get you attention," I say and get up. I walk over to the book shelf. I pick up a painting, then look at it and turn to him, "is this.."
"Yes" he responds. I look back at it. It is a young girl with long black hair, she has a long pink dress with flowers on it, she has blue eyes and pink lips.
"I have not seen a picture of her in so long." I say and put it back down. "why do you even have it?" I ask him.
"Why wouldn't I have it?" He asks. I look at him
"You know why," I say with disgust in my voice.
"I loved..." I interrupt him.
"I have to take a shower," I say and walk out of the room and down the hall to my room. I close the door after me and fall to the floor. I bend my knees and put my head in them and start to cry. I realize why I am crying and stop. I wipe my tears and stand up. Why was I crying, I have cried enough for that man. I am so done with crying. I will have fun today. I won't cry anymore.
I walk over to the bathroom and at myself in the mirror. I forgot my bag in the car, but I do not want to go back down the hall to get it. So I swipe my hand over the counter, and my bag appears. I look at my hand. I really have to stop using my magic.
After I take my shower, I go back to Rebekah's room and we finish getting ready.
I have my hair in tight curls and Rebekah has her in a up do.
"We look so 20's this should be fun," I say to her as we walk down the hall.
"Yeah, I am just so happy you are back," she says back.
When we get to the stairs I look down to see Elijah, Niklaus, and Kol stand in 20's tuxes by the door. when Nik realizes that we came out he looks at me the whole time I walk down the stairs.
"I didn't not know you all where going." Rebekah says.
"Stefan called," Klaus says, then looks away from me.
"I always wondered what you would look like during this time period, now I know." Rebekah says as she pulls me toward the door. "oh wait I forgot, this is a dance, Lauren you need a date." She stops and says to me.
"I'll be her date" Nik says and walks over to me.
"How generous." I say.
He grabs my arm and we walk out to his car. I look back to see Rebekah, Elijah and Kol going to her car.
"Why aren't we all going in one car?" I ask and Klaus laughs.
"Because who knows when one of us will have to leave." he says as he starts his car.
While we are diving it is completely silent till he says "I know what you think, but I did love you and her, that is why I keep the painting, clothes,and everything else."
"Nik I have spent years and years looking for you, I am not here to go on date are make small talk, I am not here to fix relationship, or to act like nothing happened. I am here to get closer Niklaus." I say. " I just... I don't know what happened that night, but I felt like everything was fine, till I woke up three day later and you where all gone." I look at him. "what happened.. just tell me what happened." I plead.
He pulls into a big parking lot. "we are here" he says then gets out the car. Before I could open my door, he was already there opening it.
He puts his hand out for mines. I put my hand in his and he helps me out of the car.
"This use to be the little school, right?" I ask him.
" I think so now it is a ball hall." he says as we walk though the doors. He grabs my arm and puts his around it, then we walk out the the ball room. When we walk in everyone looks at us. Some people start to talk and other mouth opens. We continuo to walk down the stairs. I see Damon and wave.
"How do you know him?" Nik asks me.
"It's a long story," I say as we walk toward Damon. Before we get to him a girl walks up to him and says something to him. I did not hear but Niklaus did, and laughed.
" What did she say?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. When we get close I realize that it is the girl Nik almost killed.
"Fancy seeing you here, Damon," I say and unhook myself from Nik. " I thought you don't dance," I laugh as I hug him.
"I don't, I am just here for arm candy," I push off from him and give him a look.
"Why? What is going on?" I ask looking at all three of them. They start to look at each other. "Oh come on, you people need to stop trying to dodge my questions," I say the girl looks down, still no answer.
"Okay no one wants to answer I will find out by my self," I say and lift my hand up to the girl, then I feel Nik's hand on mine.
"Find I will tell you no need for that," Niklaus says and motions for the door. I looks at him then at Damon.
"Why is everything a secret with you all?" I say and pull my hand away from Niklaus.
"Tell me now, here" I turn the him and say.
"Why did you try to kill her?" I said pointing to the girl. and right when I said that, all I heard was a loud crash and screaming. I jumped and Nik grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him.
"Here find Rebekah and Kol , and go back to the house," he hands me his keys to his car. I look at then and back at him.
"No! Niklaus what is going on!" I yell and push him off of him. Then the man from the building was next to us. He grabbed the girl and the start to run out the ball hall.
"Lauren! Go!"
He grabs me too hard by my arm and pulls me toward the door.
"Nik stop that hurts! Let me go!" I try to pull away but he doesn't let me go. he vamp speeds out the hall to his car.
"Get in and go. Now." He pushes me to the car and leaves. I stand there by my self and get in the car.
What is going on. Why won't anyone tell me what is going on. I am just not going to go back to the house and wait. after going back and forth with my self I decide to go back in to see what is going on. I get out the and start to walk toward the building when I hear Damon talking to Bonnie. I stop to hear what they are staying.
"This isn't our fight, we can leave now and none of us have to die." Bonnie yells.
"Someone will die."
"She is not my concern Damon, I am sorry I won't fight for her." she says and starts to walk away toward the cars.
"Damon, Damon, Damon!" I yell toward him a he starts to walk into the hall.
"Lauren why are you here, leave"
"No what is going on, who are you trying to protect!" I yell. "Damon stop lying to me tell me the truth." I say.
"Okay, okay..." he was interrupted by a loud scream. It was Niklaus. My heart starts to beat fast. I start To walk toward the ball hall. then Damon stops me.
"Lauren what are you doing!?" He grabs my arm and tries to pull me back.
"Move Damon, he is in trouble." I push him off of me and start to run faster. I bust though the door and down the walk way. when I get to the ball room, all I see is blood everywhere. People are in the floor. And I look over to see Nik with a broken chair leg though his chest. I start to run towards him when I get slapped to the floor by someone. I hit the floor and I feel my head bust open. The pain is gone within 10 seconds and I jump back up. When I realize who was in front of me I almost fall back down. I walk backwards and he starts talking," I knew you wouldn't be far from him, 800 years and you finally back. you are a great hinder, not using your powers. you almost got away, HAHAH well almost." I back up into a tall table and almost fall.

"H..h..h.ho...how did you...you find.. me" I stutter.
"Details, details, but in good news you can be with your family now." he smiles and walks closer to me. I stop and look around me, Klaus I passed out, Elijah Rebekah and Kol probably left. no one is in the room. I start to panic, then look back at him and lift my hand, Totoos gutoos, I say and he flies back. I turn around and start to run away, but before I get to the door he jumps in front of me.
"Oh so you want to use your powers now." I stop running and back way from him. "you can use all the magic you want when I take you back." he says and starts walking toward me. then in a flash Damon was in front of me and he grabs and pushes me out of the way. I fall to the floor and look at them. They start to fight. I look over and I see Nik on the floor. I crawl over to him. I touch his hand and start to shake him.
"Niklaus, get up." I say then pull the chair leg out of his chest and throw it. when he doesn't get up I realize there was no more sound. I get up off the floor to look around. there is no one in the room anymore. I look back down at Nik and he was gone. My heart starts to beat fast and I turn to run. And two men appear I front of me. Then everything goes black.

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