The Mistake

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WARNING This Chapter Contains Violence And Inappropriate Language
Still in Russia's pov


Ivan got off the bed as quietly as he could to not wake her up and shut the door just as quiet, if not quieter. He then walked down the hall and down the stairs, Then to a hall off the kitchen where a phone hanged on the wall. With anxiety he slowly dialed the number.

It took a while but someone finally picked up the phone.

"Do you know what time it is aru?"

"Da, I know what it is but I need your help and advice," Russia answered.

"Well then I am coming over aru, I haven't been to your house in a while," China replied.

"Nyet, please don't," Ivan pleaded.

"Hahaha, nope I am coming over, see you in a few hours aru." The line went dead to Ivan's horror. He hoped with all his might that Tula wouldn't wake up.

~~~~~~~~~~~ (Fabulous time skip.)

Ivan sat in the living room with an empty bottle of Vodka in his hands. He was so worried about what might happen if Tula woke up. He didn't want anything bad to happen.

Finally the door bell rang. Russia slowly got up to answer it. Surely enough, waiting behind the door was Yao.

"I am here to help you with your problem aru!" With that China walked in and proceeded up the stairs.

"Where is it that you think that you are going," asked Russia.

"To your room to talk,"was his reply.

"Oh." Russia followed him up the stairs to his room.

Once there they sat on his bed. "So what is the problem aru," China asked. Russia puts his head in his hands.

"It is Tula," Ivan confessed, "I have taken care of her for most of her life since birth. She is like sister and I love her. Yet all I can do is think of her. She is on my mind all the time and she has been acting very strange. I can't figure out what it is. I do not want to upset her and I am to afraid to ask. Yet again I have been acting somewhat strange as well. I cannot,............I cannot make out these feelings." By the time Ivan had stopped talking Yao was sitting right next to him, leg to leg, shoulder to shoulder. China takes his hand to Ivan's face to have him look at him and cups his check.

Slowly China begins to speak and move his face closer to Russia's."Why worry so much on such a young country? Have you forgotten about us? About what I can offer you....................."

~~~~~~~~~~~ (Somewhere else/ Tula' s pov)

When Russia left her side she did not feel him get off of the bed. She had stayed asleep. Slowly but surely she woke up a few hours later. Her eyes fluttered open, then she sat up rubbing her eyes. Then she noticed Russia wasn't there. "Where could he be," she thought. Slowly she got up and made her way to the door. Once outside the room she became fully awake. She thought to herself, "Did he go to bed? It's awfully late. I'll check his room." With that she headed for his room.

As she approached his room she could see that his door was open and could hear him having a conversation with someone. So she put her back to the wall as to not be seen as she reached the door.

Then she stepped into the door way as she heard, " Have you forgotten about us? About what I can offer you," and saw China press his lips against Russia's. Ivan had his eyes open and saw Tula.

Tears welled in her eyes, "HOW COULD YOU!" she yelled at him as she ran away.

Ivan pushed Yao off of himself and called as he ran after her, "Nina It's Not What It Looks Like!"

Nina had made her way to her room before Ivan could get there. Quickly she packed a back pack full of clothes and rushed out of the room with her shoes she slipped on. Ivan finally caught up with her as she had opened the front door.

"NINA!" He yelled after her.

"LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE!" she yelled back at him.

He grabbed her wrist, "Nina, please," he began.

"I HATE YOU," she yelled at him as she slapped him across the face and yanked herself free of him. She slammed the door behind her. He stood there with tears in his eye clutching his chest.

There, he could feel of the tare in his heart. The separation in his chest once more. She had left him again. He looked behind him, Yao was there with a smug look on his face.

"GGEEETTTTT OOOOOOUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He bellowed at him, purple aura and all engulfed him. If Yao didn't leave soon he was going to become sunflower food. As quickly as he could Yao ran out of Russia's home.

Slumped, Ivan went to the kitchen and grabbed all the vodka he could and headed back to his room. It was going to be a long night.

Else where Nina was boarding onto a plane. Heading to the only person she knew could comfort her.

Ivan popped the cap off of the first bottle and took a long drink of the distilled alcohol. Tears were brought to his eyes as the liquid burned down his throat. Nina was gone and there was nothing he could do. How on earth could he get her back, he didn't know where she was. And Yao. This was all his fault. Yao was suppose to help him, not make thing worse. Again he drank the distilled liquid and didn't stop till the bottle was empty.

Tears stained his face. His lips quivering. Of all the pain he's felt, this felt worse than anything that had came before. Again he popped the cap off the next bottle and drank. Why did he feel so much pain he wondered. Why did it hurt so much this time and not the last? He took another drink of the alcohol.

Soon he had emptied the bottle. Tears streaming down his face, he started sobbing. Cries escaped his lips, the quiver in his voice. He took another bottle and emptied it the same.

"W~why d~does~es th~is all~way~ys happen~en to~o meee?" He sobbed. Tears streaming down his face, snot leaking out of his noes. No one has ever seen him like this.

He took the cap off yet another bottle and drank it whole. After more sobbing and empty bottles of Vodka slowly but surely he began to quite and drifted off into the darkness of sleep.

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