An Apology

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I'm sorry to anyone who has been waiting for the next chapter. School has been getting the best of me because I had to move, then I had really bad writers block. I hope you guys like this chapter.

Russia's pov


Ivan woke up with something poking at the back of his mind but he wasn't quite able to tell if it was real. He thought he could remember Tula coming home late at night after he had already went to bed and placing a small kiss on his forehead. No it had to be a dream, but could it have really happened?

He pulled his blanket off of himself to reveal his shirtless torso as he now got out of bed. He wasn't extremely toned as people thought he was, he had a nice small layer of fat above his mussels. (Sorry I like a cuddley Russia, people can have their opinions.) He went to get dressed in a turtle neck sweeter, some pants, and of course Ukraine's scarf.

He then went downstairs to make breakfast. He wasn't surprised when Tula wasn't there so as normally he went to cook. When he was done Nina still wasn't there. "Maybe she is still getting up, da," he thought to himself as he set the table waiting for her. Then slowly the food became cold as he waited for half an hour.

"Where is she," he quietly mumbled to himself as he got up from his seat to go up stairs. When he got to her room he opened the door to find a sleeping Nina. She had the most peaceful look upon her face, even though her hair was a mess.

The sight made him smile. He sat on her bed so that he could try to tame her hair. Doing so he brushed the hair away from her forehead and checks. The skin was soft as he brushed his fingers over her face. A smile came to her lips as he did this. He wasn't quite sure what he was doing there sitting on her bed caressing her face or the strange feeling he has in his chest as he did this, seeing the smile that had placed itself on her face. Then slowly he bent down, he wasn't sure why or how, but his lips graced her forehead as he kissed her there. As he pulled away from her forehead her smile grew a little bigger as she quietly cued and moved her head to the side away from him.

But then her face became sour as she woke up abruptly, moving fast to get up as she bumped noeses with him. Violet eyes meet in that moment.

"Good morning Nina," said Ivan still gazing into her eyes, "I had already made breakfast but you were not up so I came to get you."

Quickly Nina pulled up the covers before Ivan could see, "I'll see you down stairs then."

"Why?" He questioned.

Nina began to blush and look away,"Because I need to get dressed."

Ivan then saw that her back was not covered by the blanket, she had nice smooth skin. "I see," was all he said as he got off her bed and exited her room closing the door.

He went back down stairs to reheat the food, but all he could think about was her bare back. But wait? Why was he thinking this? Nina was just something like a friend. Like a friend to say because Nina probably didn't think of them as friends. What did she think they where? His thoughts were interrupted when Nina came into the kitchen, well actually he didn't see her come in, she had touched his arm.

"Oh," he exclaimed.

"Uumm, Ivan?" She started.

"Da?" He asked.

"Uumm sorry about yesterday."

"What do you need to be sorry about for yesterday?"

"For embarrassing you like that."

"Oooohhhhhhhhh.................." ( ._.) was all he could manage.

By then they were sitting at the table with their now hot food.

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