Will update the title later

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For this chapter and maybe the next few chapters I'm going to do two chapters, one of each pov to show what happened on each day in their perspective. So for this chapter it's going to be Tula' s pov then the next Russia's but that chapter would take place the same day as this one. I hope this made since.

Warning inappropriate language

Tula's pov


Once finally seated in the plane and it had taken off, Nina silently weeped and fell asleep. She woke up the next day by the attendant lady shaking her awake saying she needed to get off the plane. When she did she found her herself in bright shining  Paris.

"Screw the fucking Sun," she cursed in Russian as she made her way into a taxi. When she reached her destination she gave the taxi driver her fair and headed to the door of a house.

She knocked the knocker and rang the door bell. Then a French man greeted her, "Oh hello Nina! What brings you to France?"

"Nothing I just wanted to visit big brother France," Nina said quietly with a fake smile on her face.

"What is wrong Nina," said Francis with a frown on his face.

"There is nothing wrong," she lied.

"Nina you only call me big brother France when something thing is wrong."

She lost it, right then and there. She dropped to the ground in a huddled mess of sobs, tears, and snot. Francis rushed to her aid at the very instant then helped her up and into the house. He then took her to the guest room. He sat her down on the bed and kneeled at the side of it in front of her.

He cupped her face so their eyes made contact, "Nina please tell me what is wrong."She didn't answer but instead through herself into his arms and began crying on his shoulder.

This time instead he picked her up and they both layed on the bed. "Now Nina, can you tell me what's wrong," he softly said stroking her hair as he embraced her on the bed, trying to sooth her as she cried on his shoulder.

"It hurts so much," she sobbed.

"What hurts," he asked.

"My heart," she tearedly replied.

"Why does your heart hurt," he asked as calmly as he could.

"Yao.... and........Ivan......," was all she could reply with.

"What about Yao and Ivan," he said as a thousand scenarios went through his head. Everyone knew they had some history and to what extent, but Tula, then, was to young to have known.

"Yao kissed Ivan," was all she said as she continued to cry.

"Is that all," he asked.

"I don't know," was her reply.

Francis didn't press anymore for information, instead he continued holding her in his arms as she cried on him. Slowly but surely she began to stop. At the end of her sobs she began to speak, "How could Ivan do this. Let Yao all over him when I told Ivan that had issues with him. He's such a long nosed jerk and just when we were finally seeing eye to eye."

"Tula, why do you care so much about what Ivan does with Yao," France asked. He looked at her and all he could see was her blushing face, "Could it be that you have fallen in love with him, my little sister?"

She didn't reply but she tightened her grip on him and buried her burning red face into his chest. This was enough of a reply for him.

"I knew you have. How about I call Italy over. I'm sure he'd love help make you happy again." She nodded into his chest. So he left the bed to call Italy. When he answered he told Italy of the situation. He understood immediately and said he'd be right over.

When France came back to Tula's side, he had found that she was fast asleep. "You may be an adult, but you're still yet a child," he thought as he sat beside her and stroked her hair. Holding her close, he layed down and fell asleep.

A few hours later Tula woke up to the sound of the door bell wrapped up in Francis's arms. "He looks so peaceful while sleeping," she thought as the door bell was rapidly ringing. She managed to get out of his arms without him waking up and planted a small kiss on his cheek, whispering, "thank you," as she left.

When she got to the door she found Feli impatiently waiting behind it.

"Nina I-a can't believe that Ivan would have done such a thing," said Italy as he through himself into a hug on Tula, "Yet again he is-a kind of scary, ve?"

"Well hello then Felinciano," stated Nina. She then took Italy inside and they sat on the couch. They began to talk, and slowly but surely Tula began to feel a little better about the situation, but feelings of anger still lingered. Soon France wakes up, very sleepy, and with very messy hair.

"How did you two get into my house," he asked, memories not intact yet.

"You let me in," said Nina.

"Then she let me-a in, ve!" exclaimed Felinciano.

"Oui," said Francis slowly remembering.


I am sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. This is what I have so far for this chapter. It will be updated at a later date, or maybe never. No one seems to be reading so I don't even know what the point for this is any more. I'm sorry that I have to leave this post but there's nothing I can do at the moment.

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