A Begining

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As you guys can tell I changed the rating, It might change again...... I don't know yet though.......

Also the format that the chapters I write may very from chapter to chapter or during a chapter. It all depends on what device I decide to write with. 

Also Warning chapter contains slight sexual content, don't like it, skip it.

~~~~~~~~~~~ (Status update)

A few months have passed since the day they danced and it is now spring.  Things have become routine since then. Wake up to breakfast mad by Ivan, some talking. Do some stuff like reading. Another meal made by Ivan. Do some other stuff. Another meal, again made by Ivan. Then again, do some more stuff. Then go to bed. The routine was boring and bleak.

Not much progress has been made these past few months in the Russian home. Only little conversations here and there but at least they were not fighting. Some times Tula would watch Russia do simple things around the house like cooking or some cleaning that she would help with. Some times, which is very rarely, Nina would find Ivan reading. She would watch him just to see the faces he makes as he read, which on even rarer occasions were comical.

Yet again not much progress has been made in their relationship. Both don't share much personal information. They go through their routine like robots, but not today.

~~~~~~~~~~~(Time skip of freedom!!!!!!!)

Tula has woken up not to violet eyes once again and hasn't since the beginning of her move. She gets dressed like normal and heads downstairs to where Russia would be making breakfast. There, as expected, was Ivan cooking. Tula sits down at the table waiting to be served, when all of a sudden the phone rings.

"I will get it," she says as she makes her way to the phone on the wall.

"Okay," Russia calls back to her from his stationary spot at the stove.

She answers the phone, "Hello."

"Guten Morgan Tula!" A sweet child-like voice answers on the other end of the line. It could be no other than one of Tula's limited girl friends, Liechtenstein.

"Hey Lilli, why are you calling so early in the day?"

"I vas just calling to see if you vould like to come vith some of us girls today to hang out?"

"That sounds good to me, I'll go."

"Gut! Meet up is at Hungary's house at noon."

"Okay see you there, bye!"


Tula hung up the phone and went back to the table to sit. By that time Russia had finished cooking and has set the table with food.

"Who called?" He asked.

"Just Liechtenstein. She just wanted to know if I wanted to hang out today."

"Are you going?"

"Da..... Why wouldn't I?"

"I was just wondering."

They finished their meal and ate in silence. When Tula was done she put her dishes in the sink like every morning. Then she went upstairs to get ready. It didn't take long to get ready and she still had a few hours to kill before it would be time for her to leave. So she decided to go do her favourite pass time, watching Russia do what ever it is that he is doing. She had picked it up one time when Belarus was over. So acting like Belarus was also a fun thing to do in her book. It always creeped Russia out and it was fun watching him under pressure. If she did it long enough he would hide somewhere in the house and sit in a corner. 

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