Forgiveness? (maybe?)

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She didn't wake up to violet eyes this time. The clock on her bed side read 11:34 a.m..  "Huh, that's weird," she thought to herself, "Usually Ivan wakes me up. Oh what do I care he's not my baby sitter!" Tula got up and got dressed. Then she preceded down stairs to the kitchen. There sat Ivan with a plate of food across from where he was.

"Sit and eat, or magic metal pipe of pain," he said. So she sat and ate.

Ivan stared at her as she did so.

"Do you mind," Tula asked after finishing a mouth full of food.


"It's not polite to stare at people."

"Are we people?" It was a good question to ask. Are the personifications people? Who knows.

"How am I suppose to know?"

"Don't answer question with question," he stared her in the eye.

"I don't know, I guess we are?"

"Good." Tula looked down at her plate and began to eat again as he watched her. She could feel his eyes on her.

She finished her food and put her dishes in the sink. She could feel his eyes still on her. She left the room to avoid them. Then proceeds back to her room.

Her eyes wonder about the room as she stands in the doorway. Her eyes fall upon the music box. She walks across the room to open its lid and it begins to play its tune. Her eyes then look to the bookshelf where she had placed her books yesterday. With the books was a photo album she did not remember being there before. Ivan must have put it there. She takes it from the shelf and then sits on the bed. The music box still playing.

She begins to look through the picture's. They are mostly of happier times. Times when they were smiling. Times when they have had fun. A tear clings to the corner of her eye. The music box still playing.

"I wish things were still like this," she silently whispered to herself.

"Then why do you fight with me?"

Russia had appeared in the doorway. It had given her a fright. He came over and brushed the stray tear away. She batted at his hand.

"Did I say you could touch me?"

"I said do not answer question with question!" He was slightly furious.

"I don't know, because it's all your fault!"

"It is not my fault, it is bosses. I have told you this already!"

"That doesn't change the fact that you weren't there for us! You were never there when we needed you, you were never there for me," she began to cry.

"But I was always there and now," he sat down on the bed, pulled her into his lap, and gave her a big hug. "I was there for you when you were newborn and needed home. I was there for your independence, your first steps, your first words, your first meeting, your first everything, and I am here now."

"You were there but you never cared for me that much. It was only on special occasions you were nice to me, and you always ignored me when China was around," she sobbed into his chest.

She had never said anything before about China. If there was someone to dislike more than Russia it was China in her eyes. It seemed that Russia cared more about China than her, which obviously didn't set right with her. You could pretty much say she's been jealous of China since birth.

"Sounds like you are little jealous."

"Am not. You always faun over him."

"Do not."

"Do too, you idiot!"

"I'm sorry, if that is what you want to hear. I did not know that my friendship with China hurt you. I will not let it happen again and give you more attention."

"You promise," she pouted.

"Da, but that means you talk to me from now on and spend time or I'll have to use magic metal pipe of pain."

"Stop it with the pipe nonsense."


"Da, khorosho."

"~Da!~" he cued.

Tula dryed her eyes and got out of his lap. She didn't know how to feel now or what to feel. She wasn't even sure what she was feeling. Upset? At ease? She was very confused and Russia could tell, so he left the room so that she could  think.

He closed the door behind him and walked  down the hallway. Tears started to creep to his own eyes now, for he also didn't know how he was feeling. Happy? Sad? Why didn't she tell him that China bugs her till now? With this new information he finds that gaining her trust is going to be harder than what he thought. He likes China a lot. He's that friend that he can go to when he needs help. He hadn't noticed that Nina was jealous of their relationship.

Yet again couldn't he say the same? At the world meetings she was always hanging out with the other countries instead of him, especially America, North Italy, and France... stupid France of all countries.

He had made it now all the way to his bedroom. He opened the door and looked around. He went to his dresser and looked at what was upon it. There layed several things, like the pocket watch and the necklace Tula gave him. He picked up the necklace then layed down on his bed. He dangled the necklace above his face to study it.

While doing so he question how things were going to be now. Will Tula talk to him or will she push him away? Slowly he feel into sleep, for you see he hadn't slept for a while now.


Yay! someone read the prolouge and some one else read all I have of this posted!!!!!!!! //_^  =(^w^)=  :3 (so many faces!!!!!) Thank you guys, whoever you are! 

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