Chapter 33

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Sam and I talked late into the night that night, having met back at the Scott's house. After Sam had come over the other night when I was sick, Mason had decided to be obsessed with Sam as well as Nate. Whenever I said Sam's name around them, they both started crying out with delight, hoping that he was going to come over and see them.

Sam still didn't realize how the boys idolized him. His oblivion and modesty about the situation made me love him even more.

While we were sitting on the family room couch, I asked him a question that I had been pondering for a while. "Sam, why do you stick around here? If you're so much older than us—I mean, physically too, not just immortal-wise—why stick around high school? Aren't there better things to do?"

He twisted his mouth, as if contemplating the answer. "Would you believe me if I said I get bored?" he shrugged. "I like to come back to school and see what changes they've made every decade or so. It's interesting."

"How many times have you gone to high school?"
"Gone? Lots. Graduated? Five, I believe, six in a few months. College is many more. I have many degrees."

"In what?" I inquired, curious. That's a lot of time spent in school.

"Sociology, philosophy, very early dentistry, and lots and lots of art degrees," he listed, and I knew by the way he was casual about it there were more. "Emile is constantly going back to school, too, to learn all the new medical information. The Council requires it if you practice something medical."

"Even as a doctor?"

"He is only a doctor right now. He has been everything from a heart surgeon to a physical therapist to an OBGYN delivering babies. He has always spent his eternity helping the sick."

We talked a while longer before I remembered something I needed to tell him. "Oh, um, so, just so you know, I'm going to Sacramento to visit my half-brother this weekend. I'm leaving Thursday afternoon, and I'll be back Sunday."

He turned to look over at me seriously. "Can I come with you? I mean, we are getting married. I would like to meet my future brother-in-law."

"No," I responded quickly, then regretted saying it so fast. Oh no, that would not work. Not work at all. "No, uh, we're all full. He doesn't like unannounced visitors," I babbled. "I'll only be there for a quick two days, in and out and ready for school Monday. No big deal."

He continued, however, not going to let the subject go. "When do I get to meet him, then? And your mother? You have not even talked about her in the last few months."

"She's busy, too. She's traveling again. They're both so busy, and hard to catch up with." I knew I was rambling, but there wasn't much I could do about it.

Sam sighed, but eventually let the topic go when I promised that I'd arrange a meeting when I was up there.

That was a tiny lie, but whatever. My guardian (my half-brother) had already found out that I was getting married through Chloe Henderson (who I had told immediately, out of our guardianship legal matters together), and his reaction­­-- although it was highly unlikely that he even cared-- meant nothing. I didn't know how to reach my mom to tell her, but she was probably too distracted to notice anyways. It didn't really matter to me either way.
But it did to Sam, so I would try my best to arrange something.


Four days later, I collapsed onto the couch in Birdie's living room.

Ugh. Not a good trip. I hadn't even seen my family, and Chloe Henderson had told me that I wouldn't. She and I had business like usual. Legal crap. Oh, how I hate legal crap.

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