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I woke up smiling, draped across Sam's chest. I was euphoric. My white gown was resting on the edge of the giant bed of our hotel room. We were in France, in the closest hotel to Sam's hometown, and the stream with eternal water, as possible. I closed my eyes, snuggling closer into Sam's bare chest, into him. 

Everything had gone wonderfully. It was nothing like it had ever been before. No memories came, no inkling of the past. No fear, no pain. It was Sam. Sam. And I hadn't imagined that anything could be that wonderful, that you could ever feel so close to a person.

I wasn't completely healed emotionally—I don't know if I ever will be. But I was more healed than not, and it was enough.

Sam turned and smiled at me. "Good morning, Mrs. Durand."

"Good morning," I sighed happily, accepting his kiss.

I had healed so much. Sam had healed the impenetrable holes inside of me. Sam had accepted me and loved me despite everything. He was patient with me when we weren't certain I would ever heal. He loved me when I jumped at every small noise, flinched when he came too close, panicked when he touched me. He loved me when I had broken into tears and shoved him away when he kissed me. He loved me when he found out that I had lied out of shame our entire relationship. He loved me even though I wasn't pure like I wanted to be. He loved me despite me feeling like damaged goods. He knew me, and he loved me. 

And so I healed.

I loved him back. And now he was mine, all mine, and I was nothing but his. And we had eternity to grow closer.

Sam's stomach rumbled, and I laughed at the feeling of the vibrations against my body. "Hungry?" I asked.

He smiled sheepishly. "Yes. You?"


I was eating normally again. It was strange, but once Sam knew everything, it had soothed my soul. I was able to let go of a lot of anxiety and bad coping mechanisms, and I didn't need to fix things by starving myself. I was gaining weight, color in my skin, energy. I was gaining muscle because I was continuing with volleyball, now that college had started. I had gotten a scholarship, and Sam had gone with me, even though he'd graduated college many times before. We were starting our lives together. 

"What are you in the mood for?"

He purred with an amused smile, pulling me closer. "Chicken noodle soup."

I smiled. "Mm. I, myself, am feeling thirsty for water. Know any good streams nearby?"

Sam shouted in glee and rolled me under his body so he was over me. He smiled down at me as I laughed. "I'm so glad you've agreed to be mine forever."

I put my hand to his cheek, feeling his stubble under my fingertips. "And you'll be mine."

Just as it should be.

Everything was just so right.

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