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"Yes Mom... Yes I love you too." Yoshi shook his head while smiling at his Mom who always nags endlessly to him.

As he took all his things from his backseat he went out from his car and locked it.

"Hyung!" He turned around as he heard a familiar voice calling him.

"Yoshi hyung right?" The younger gleamed a smile. Yoshi swears the word pretty doesn't give justice at how the guy made his heart thump crazy.

"Yes... Junghwan right?" The younger glanced at his car that made the younger nod.

"It's a BMW X2..." Junghwan guessed right as he went on his way that made Yoshi follow him.

"Hmm... Do you have a class today?" Yoshi started to conversed

"Of course, what else do you think I'm here for?"

"Right." Yoshi laughed at how aggressive the younger is.

"What time will your class start hyung?"

"It's still in two hours. Why?"

"Can you accompany me to eat? I forgot to eat breakfast." Junghwan pouted.

"Do you want to eat outside the uni?" Junghwan thought about it first and nodded.

"I want sandwiches!"

"Great, let's go?" Junghwan hopped along behind Yoshi back to his car.

The younger smiled widely as Yoshi placed the tray in front of them with their food.

"Hyung here..." Junghwan handed him a money that Yoshi kindly refused.

"But I invited you to breakfast though."

"It's on me, I insist." Yoshi reassured him that made the younger smile and started eating.

"Are you rich hyung? How did you afford to buy a BMW?" The younger asked despite his mouth being full.

"I'm not" Yoshi laughed. "But I have a sideline job, I got the money from there."

"Isn't it hard to manage your time? Because I'm having a really hard time even I'm just a full-time student."

"It was... At first. Let's say I got lucky that our manager is a understanding one."

"Hmm... Are you planning to buy one again? A car?"

Yoshi nodded as he handed Junghwan a tissue noticing the younger can be clumsy while eating. Junghwan still unaware that the mayo is already in his fingers, just received it and continued stuffing his mouth which made Yoshi laugh.

"Depends? I'm planning to buy an I8..." Yoshi stopped eating and grabbed the tissue to wipe the younger's fingers that was already oily.

Junghwan got flustered at first at the caring side of the older but he shrugged it off and continued to converse with the latter.

"I8? It's too small."

"Well it's enough for me..." As Yoshi finished cleaning Junghwan's fingers he continued eating his food.

"But you can't do it inside though..." Junghwan bluntly stated that made Yoshi on his sandwich.

Junghwan with a innocent face looked at him with confusedly while still munching his food.

"Wh- What?" Yoshi blinked fast still not sure if he heard it right.

"Why you don't want to try doing it inside your BMW?"



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ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇCinnamon's Note:

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Cinnamon's Note:

What do you think about the YoshiHwan ship? HAHAHHA who's with me here?

I'm still crying we got another paid content from YG ㅠㅠ

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