(67) as much as I can

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"You should've seen your face while you ran." Junkyu teased Haruto while they are eating dinner with his family.

Haruto swore if his parents are not with him at the moment he'll really beat Junkyu out... in bed of course.

"Stop teasing him son, I honestly felt bad about it when I saw him run around the house." Junkyu's father tried hard not to release a laugh, but he failed.

Mrs. Kim nudged his husband with his elbow and shook his head. "Like father, like son... I'm so sorry about earlier."

"Don't worry about that it's fine." Haruto swore he gave the biggest smile he can do infront of Junkyu's parents, which made Junkyu stifle a small laugh.

"So... Architecture right?"

"Yes, I'm in my 3rd year."

"How about your parents?"

"Both are business owners."

The whole dinner was full of questions and answers between them, Junkyu is in relief for he can observe Haruto is not tensed anymore.

Haruto? Well it was better than what he expected. Well in fact he's feeling the lightest for almost how many years? Junkyu's house felt like home for him, it was cozy and he felt free.

After washing their dishes, Junkyu's father called Haruto over for a can of beer outside. Which was gladly accepted by Haruto.

"Son..." Haruto's eyes widened when he heard how Junkyu's father called him. He's totally not ready for it, but it felt nice.


"Do you when was the last time we saw Junkyu smile again?" The old man asked in all seriousness. He can read his eyes, it is all pity and worry for their only son.

"Who was that again? His previous boyfriend?" Mr. Kim tried to remember the name.


"Yes him..." Mr. Kim's brows furrowed in resentment. "I should've that young guy a punch on his last visit here last time."

Haruto just nodded in response not knowing not to respond, but he does feel Mr. Kim's anger. "I did lay a punch on him last time."

"Really? Did you hit him hard?"

"Yes, Junkyu even got mad to me." Mr. Kim laughed.

"How was it... with our son?"

"It was hard... It is hard."

"He's confusing sometimes right?" His father asked in all sincerity.

"He does confuse me a lot." Haruto chuckled, reminiscing all the doubts he went through before all of this.

"Please do bear with him... until you can. He can be very confusing sometimes. He can't even decide what to eat on his own."

The two laughed.

"He doesn't know his emotions very well. And he needs to be guided. Sometimes he also learns in a very hard way."

"It seems like it." Haruto smiled to the elder. "Don't worry Mr. Kim, I'll try to hold to him as much as I can."

"Thank you."


"What did you talk about Dad?" Junkyu locked his bedroom door and joined the taller in his bed.

"Not much... He just told me stories about you." Haruto stretched out his arm to offer it as a pillow for Junkyu.

"About me?"

"Mmm..." Haruto caressed Junkyu's hair like a baby. Well he is a baby. His baby.

"Like how you pissed in your pants on your way home." Haruto laughed.

"WHAT?! He still can't get over that?" Junkyu whined.

The two kept their silence for a long time feeling each other's presence.



"I like you so much."

Junkyu blushed... Well I think blush is an understatement, because his face is really red. He thanked the Gods that the lights were already turned off or else Haruto will tease him again endlessly.

Despite him being red as a tomato... He still had courage to put himself on top of Haruto.

Staring into his eyes...

"I like you too."

Haruto gulped hard as Junkyu came closer to him.

Their lips met and gave each other a peck. A long peck, that led them to a intimate one. Intimate but not harsh, no rush... Just two persons telling each other how they like each other, that the feelings is mutual.


"Yedam!!!" Doyoung whined.

"Yes bub?" Yedam asked while his attention is still focused to his music sheet.

Doyoung pouted at how the latter is not paying any attention to him. Actually he's okay with it, but Yedam literally didn't paid any attention to Doyoung. He was very much determined to finish his music sheet.

Doyoung can't help it, he outrageously approached the guy and stole his music book from him.

"Buuuuuuub..." Yedam pouted.

"Stop with the pouting! I screwed my deadline for you and you won't give me any attention." Doyoung scolded the latter.

"I'm sorry..." Yedam apologized in soft voice.

Doyoung opened his music book, he opened the back side of the book and saw some scribbles.

"Eh?" Doyoung asked in confusion.

Yedam tried to steal the music book from the latter but Doyoung was too quick to notice.

"Give it baaaack..."

"What is this?"

Doyoung tried not to release a laugh but he fails everytime he reads some parts of the scribbles.

It looked like a toddler trying to draw that comes out from his mind.

Doyoung <3
Bub i love you
Bang Doyoung ^^
You're so cute Doyoung ><
Yedam + Doyoung = <3

Those are the words that was written on the messy page with some hearts, cupid and his doodled face in it.

Doyoung can't help but to release a loud laugh while the latter was blushing hard.

"STOP! I forgot to throw it!" Yedam whined.

"No..." Doyoung calmed himself and approached the latter to cup his face.

"No... Don't throw it."

"Sure? You might find it weird." Yedam pouted.

"Mmm... I find it cute." Doyoung released a wide smile.

Yedam melted.

He cupped Doyoung's face back.

"I just can't get enough of you Doyoung... I'm so crazy for you. I really like you so much. That sometimes I find it scary... That I might be the only one who's addicted to your love."

Doyoung is so down too... He threw his own lips to the latter and shared butterflies to each other.

As the two were finally short on breath, they pulled from each other kisses.

"Yedam... The feeling is mutual."


Cinnamon's Note 

HELLOOOOO! How are you all?

Also here to remind you all let's go now and cram to vote TREASURE on MAMA. Stream BOY MV too! Let's give the boys the 100M views!!! LETSGAUUUUUUUR

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